find a job

You Need to Be Relevant to Your Employer

Understanding what you do for a living is very important for your career. You should understand the generality of your…

Your Perceptions Will Control Your Outcome and Life

In this article Harrison discusses that the meaning you give to things will control the quality of your life. How…

You Should Not Dabble: To Succeed It’s All or Nothing

In this article Harrison discusses how persistent pursuit of something you believe in, against all obstacles, is one of the…

Induction, Deduction, and Your Career

The past does not dictate the future, so you should not use inductive reasoning to make conclusions about your life…

Do Not Be Influenced by Others’ Negative Opinions of You

Your skills and abilities merit profound appreciation; you must therefore place yourself in an environment where you will be so…

You Need to Be Able to Close

In this article Harrison explains why the ability to close a sale is the most important skill in selling. Many…

Be Committed to What You Do

In this article Harrison discusses the power of commitment. It is important to commit to your career, to a single…

Winning in Your Job Search and Life Means Going Forward No Matter What Criticism You Think You May Receive

In this article Harrison discusses how fear of criticism prevents people from living up to their full potential. Harrison believes…

Play Each Day Like It Is Your Most Important

In this article, Harrison beautifully explains the importance of loving the work you do, being focused, and seeing each day…

Your Life Is Controlled by Your Decisions and Your Commitment to Them

In this article Harrison discusses how your life is controlled by your decisions and your commitment to them. You have…