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Push Yourself Outside Your Comfort Zone

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About ten years ago, an attorney who had been practicing about seven or eight years longer than me purchased his first house.  I remember congratulating him on the purchase, and his response shocked me at the time: “I am very happy with the house. ...

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Fight for the Right to Work

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In a bad job market, the most important thing you can do is to keep trying.  Never give up.  Life is a race and your career is also a race.  The problem with most people is that they are often willing to give up at the first sign of...

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Filed under Featured, Getting Ahead, Life Lessons 3 Comments  

The Godfather, a First Google Employee, Steve Ballmer and Microsoft

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A few years ago, I had dinner with one of Google’s first employees. How he joined Google was a long and convoluted story that had more elements of luck than I can ever recount. He’d been working in a midsized town in relative obscurity and...

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Filed under Employment Do’s and Don’ts, Featured 9 Comments  

The Best Way to Prepare for a Job Search and Interviews

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Several years ago when looking for a position in Los Angeles, I interviewed with numerous law firms. In virtually every one of these interviews I ran across an attorney who knew not one, not two, not three—but numerous, numerous attorneys in my...

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Filed under Featured, Finding a Job 6 Comments  

Your Job Is a Game-Make Your Opponents External

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After being in the workforce for many years, I realize that all of our jobs are, simply, games. In every job you have ever had, you are part of a game. Your ability to play the game and be part of the team will determine your success or failure. The ability...

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Filed under Featured, Keeping a Job 10 Comments  

Harness the Power of Your Subconscious Mind to Get a Job and Improve Your Career

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I know of so many people who fail to get jobs and, ultimately, do not have good careers because they keep their minds cluttered with things that have nothing to do with their job search. I have wanted to write for some time about how to harness the subconscious...

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Filed under Employment Do’s and Don’ts, Featured 9 Comments  

The Dangers of Getting Jobs Through Friends

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Men are more ready to repay an injury than a benefit, because gratitude is a burden and revenge a pleasure. “Oh, I already have a friend there. I’ll just contact him.” In the job market, it’s one of the more common things we hear...

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Filed under Featured, Finding a Job, Job Market 4 Comments  

You Will Succeed in Your Job and Job Search When You Are Concerned with Giving and Not Taking

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The quality of our lives, in many respects, is determined by our working lives. Being able to enjoy our jobs and being able to get jobs is something that’s incredibly important. A job is not just about earning a living; it’s about forming...

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Filed under Advancement, Employment Do’s and Don’ts, Featured, Finding a Job, The Role of Jobs in Today’s World 3 Comments  

Communicate Your Value: How to Get a Job and Keep It

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One of the best ways to realize the importance of communication is through simple services, such as getting a shoeshine, ordering hotel room service, or taking advantage of valet parking. In these situations the people providing the service must act...

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Filed under Featured, Keeping a Job 4 Comments  

Success Requires Ignoring Group Norms

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When I started legal recruiting, within a few months of starting the business, I met a man who was one of the founders of the dominant legal recruiters association. At one time, he had the largest legal recruiting firm in California. As I spent time getting...

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Filed under Featured, How to Succeed 2 Comments  

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Job Market

The Importance of Fitting In

By on Jun 13,2024

The ability to fit into your work environment is among the most important parts of obtaining and retaining a job, even more so than your skill level. Fitting in means nothing more than being comfortable in one’s work environment, and making others similarly comfortable. Employers want to hire people who will embrace their approach to business and the world on physical and moral levels, so you must strive to fit in with their worldview.

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