job search industry

Happiness, Desire, and the Key to Life

While everyone’s respective wishes motivate them, their fulfillment seldom brings anyone happiness. Don’t perpetually chase after the next goal, but…

Your Career is More Important to You Than Anyone

In this article Harrison discusses that you need to protect your ability to earn a living at all costs, and…

Production Assistants-and Assessing Your Employer’s Needs

Assessing your employers’ needs will lead you to success in both your job search and your career, so work to…

Stay on Track

In this article Harrison discusses how it is important to stay focused. According to Harrison anyone can get started on…

Gravitate Towards People and Organizations That Appear to Have Good Luck

There are many people and organizations who, for a variety of reasons, seem never to succeed no matter what they…

Harmonize with the People in Your Environment

You need not only to fit in, but to be seen as fitting in with your coworkers. Harmonizing with your…

Avoid the Envy of Others

Avoid the envy of others. Successful individuals know envy can lead others to undermine them; in order to remain powerful,…

Supermodels, Your Body, and Your Mind

Successful people manage their minds well; your mindset is the prime determining factor in anything and everything that happens to…

See the Connection, Not the Differences

You will find much greater success and contentment by focusing on your connections to others rather than your differences. While…

Awaken Your Spirit

You are in your most productive state when you are “awakened” and driven towards your goal. Once you experience this…