job search

The Ideal Made Real

Can wishes ever come true? Is it possible to give our desires the shape of reality? Contrary to all that…

An Iron Will

Orison Swett Marden's An Iron Will is an inspiring book that states that the primary difference between those who succeed…

Siddhartha – An Indian Tale

Hermann Hesse’s allegorical novel Siddhartha, written in a simple, yet powerful lyrical style, is a tremendously inspiring book, written in…

The Secret of the Ages

Robert Collier’s book, The Secret of the Ages, is one of the true classics of self-improvement literature. The book has…

Mental Efficiency and Other Hints to Men and Women

Arnold Bennett's Mental Efficiency and Other Hints to Men and Women is a lighthearted, yet thought-provoking collection of articles that…

Secrets of Mental Supremacy

Secrets of Mental Supremacy, by W. R. C. Latson, is an excellent self-improvement book that contains a series of simple,…

How to Turn Your Ability into Cash

How to Turn Your Ability into Cash by Earl Prevette is an interesting book that revolves around methods on controlling…

The Heller Ehrman Dissolution

In this article, Harrison explains how the dissolution of a company as prominent as Heller Ehrman, should change the way…

Finding Jobs Through Contacts

In this article Harrison discusses the importance of networking in a job search. While Harrison has advocated and worked on…

The Importance of Trust and Access to Information

In this article, Harrison explains the importance of being trusted by people you are dealing with. You need to be…