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Never Overlook the Obvious

Obvious solutions always get overlooked. Simple problems get overanalyzed, and the simple solution gets ignored. Look out for the solutions…

People Around You Can Shape What Happens to You: Avoid the Negative Affirmations of Others

In this article, Harrison explains the incredible connection between the mind and the environment around you. To understand your world…

Nightly Sex in Hotel Bar Bathrooms with Women in Burqas

People will always find a way express themselves and be who they want to be, as their character and desires…

Area 51 in Nebraska, Suicides, and the Danger of Comparing Yourself to Others

You can get miraculous results in life and work when you are not in competition with others. Comparing yourself with…

The Most Important Thing You Can Have Is Faith

In this article Harrison discusses the importance of having faith. Faith is the most important thing in the world that…

Winners and Losers

In this article Harrison discusses the importance of focusing on your success. If you think about your losses, you will…

Within You is the Power

Within You is the Power By Henry Thomas Hamblin TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface Chapter 1. Infinite Life and Power Chapter…

It Works

How do you obtain that which you desire? Is there a logical answer to this question or are some people…

The Multiple Mentality Course

Originally published in the 1920s, The Multiple Mentality Course by Harry Kahne describes a series of exercises leading to the…

Your Invisible Power

Your Invisible Power was the first book and by far the most powerful and popular works of Genevieve Behrend. Here,…