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You Should Not Dabble: To Succeed It’s All or Nothing

In this article Harrison discusses how persistent pursuit of something you believe in, against all obstacles, is one of the…

Why You Should Work Weekends and Holidays

In this article, Harrison explains the importance of making an effort in your job which is way above what is…

Induction, Deduction, and Your Career

The past does not dictate the future, so you should not use inductive reasoning to make conclusions about your life…

Use Your Emotion Instead of Being a Critic

When I was an attorney, I stopped going out to lunch with other attorneys during the day. The reason was…

You Need to Condition Yourself to Make a Lasting Change

In this article Harrison discusses the significance of conditioning yourself to develop behaviors that will elevate you in your life.…

Order and Disorder and Your Career

Two fundamental laws of the universe are that order leads to disorder, and disorder leads to order. Since disorder always…

The Greater Your Purpose, the Greater the Obstacles You Will Face

Think about your ultimate purpose in life, and what you are currently doing to accomplish it. Everyone is gifted with…

The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin

One of the most inspiring people in American history is Benjamin Franklin.  Something that very few people realize is that…

The Importance of Asking the Right Questions, Self-Improvement, and Perception

Your perceptions of the world determine your reactions, and your reactions in turn determine your destiny. External factors do not…

Do Not Be Influenced by Others’ Negative Opinions of You

Your skills and abilities merit profound appreciation; you must therefore place yourself in an environment where you will be so…