job search

Discover What You Do Best: We All Have Something

In this article, Harrison stresses on the fact that everyone needs to discover what their real abilities are and who…

Ducks, Semi Trucks, Upscale Doctors’ Offices, and Your Destiny

Do something that comes naturally to you; if you feel there is something wrong in your life or career, it…

Seek the Experience and Knowledge of Others in Your Job Search

Use every available asset in your job search, including people; network with your peers and ask them about their own…

The Holidays Are the Best Time to Search for a Job

In this article, Harrison provides a very interesting theory regarding the most suitable time to apply for a job. Searching…

Communicate Your Value: How to Get a Job and Keep It

In this article Harrison talks about the role of communication in getting a job and keeping it. Harrison believes that…

To Succeed in Any Job You Need to Create Work

In this article Harrison discusses that your ability to create productive work can bring you success in your career. The…

Watching for Waste in Your Job

In this article Harrison talks about the difference between people who survive in recessions, and those who end up being…

Job Opportunities Are Everywhere

In this article Harrison talks about how a positive mindset can help you succeed in your job. Harrison believes that…

Never Fib or Stretch the Truth on Your Résumé or in Interviews

In this article Harrison explains why you should never exaggerate your qualifications on your resume or in your interviews. Achievements…

Concentrate on Your Contribution

In this article, Harrison explains the secret behind successful people and the biggest difference between them and those who fail…