law firm

The Foot-in-the-Door Phenomenon and Your Job Search

Getting your foot in the door is an important, necessary first step towards getting the job you want. Once you…

In Defense of Long-Term Employment with a Single Employer

Companies who have been around for long periods of time are usually doing something right, and people who remain with…

Finish What You Start

People with meaningful lives finish what they start; this says a lot about their character, and leaves a lasting impression…

The Importance of Sharing Ideas

You must share information freely, and never hide information from anyone. When you give away all your ideas you create…

Narcissistic Entitlement Syndrome

Narcissistic Entitlement Syndrome (NES) afflicts many people in the current job market; they see themselves as special, and deserving of…

My Lesson from the Missionaries

You cannot afford to be associated with positions in which people implant negative thoughts and ideas in your mind. Negative…

Create Rules that Make You Feel Successful, Not Unsuccessful

In this article Harrison talks about making rules that represent success and not failure. You make rules and interpret the…

The Most Important Thing You Can Have Is Faith

In this article Harrison discusses the importance of having faith. Faith is the most important thing in the world that…

Your Beliefs about Yourself Are Controlling Your Destiny

In this article Harrison explains how your beliefs are controlling what is happening to you. Due to our early life…