law job

law job

Learn from Every Experience You Have Ever Had

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One of the greatest things you can do for yourself is to learn from every single experience you have ever had. Each and every day you are having experiences, and you choose what to do with them. The wisest people are the ones who see every experience...

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Do Not Ever Be Afraid to Broadcast Your Value

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One of my favorite quotes is by Ralph Waldo Emerson, who wrote: “Build a better mousetrap, and the world will beat a path to your door.” A similar quote is this: “Build a better mousetrap, fail to advertise it or let people know about...

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Never Stop Growing

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Sir Edmund Hillary was the first man to climb Mount Everest. On May 29, 1953, he scaled the highest mountain known to man, 29,000 feet straight up. He was knighted for his efforts. He even made American Express card commercials because of it! However,...

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Find Joy in Your Life’s Work-and Never Be without Work

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In my work as an advocate for people to find jobs, I insist that the people who work for me enjoy their own jobs, and this includes the recruiting team. I expect the recruiters I work with to thoroughly enjoy, appreciate, and respect the people they...

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The Heller Ehrman Dissolution

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The dissolution of Heller Ehrman is an event that makes me quite sad. The September 2008 article in The Wall Street Journal stated one reason for the dissolution was that several major cases the firm had been working on were settled, and therefore the...

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Job Market

The Importance of Fitting In

By on Jun 13,2024

The ability to fit into your work environment is among the most important parts of obtaining and retaining a job, even more so than your skill level. Fitting in means nothing more than being comfortable in one’s work environment, and making others similarly comfortable. Employers want to hire people who will embrace their approach to business and the world on physical and moral levels, so you must strive to fit in with their worldview.

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