legal career

Never Give Up

In this article Harrison speaks about the need to adopt the attitude of never giving up. According to him however…

Keep a Broad Perspective When Looking for a Job

In this article Harrison discusses the importance of keeping one’s perspectives open while searching for a job. Harrison feels that…

The Importance of Encouragement

In this article Harrison discusses the importance of encouragement. If you look at most successful people, somewhere in their background…

Sympathy, Morale, and the Importance of Being Organized

Sympathy destroys morale, and those who can walk away from sympathy often have better careers and make better use of…

Never Get Too Comfortable

The most successful people never slow down, and do not allow themselves to get too comfortable. Everyone works to achieve…

The Power of Resistance in Your Career and Life

Develop the art of resisting those things that give you instant gratification. While attractive, these things are usually short-lived and…

Upgrade Your Career and Life by Finding Work to Be Done

If you can learn how to create work for yourself, you will never be unemployed or lacking for excitement in…

Managers, Idea People, and Workers

You, like everyone else, are naturally disposed to be either a dreamer, a manager, or a worker. Consequently, your happiness…

Moses, Great Religious Figures, the Wilderness, and Your Career

If you are unhappy in your current job, you need to step back and take a break in order to…

Phony Accident Scenes, Internal Affairs, Racial Discrimination, and Your Career

Identify and uphold your values, and live your life in an ethical manner rather than trying short cuts to get…