legal jobs

10 Powerful Lessons from a Turkish Rug Trader

This article discusses the many possible approaches to your job search, and the necessity of selling yourself to potential employers.…

He Who Sees True Opportunities Shall Always Prosper

When many people lose their jobs, they find it difficult to find a position as good as the one they…

A Message to Garcia and Your Career

People owe their success to concentrating their energies and taking prompt action; they understand the importance of maintaining a positive…

The Secret Career Tactic of “Lock In”

Get your employer to commit to you, and keep coming back again and again. This “lock in” is a tactic…

The Importance of Environment

Your environment ultimately shapes who you are, so you need to seek out environments that will help shape you into…

Prosperity Through Thought – Force

Bruce MacLelland’s Prosperity Through Thought-Force discusses how one man, whose life was accustomed to failure and who did not have…

Think and Grow Rich

Napolean Hill’s Think and Grow Rich is probably, in my opinion, the best career book ever written.While the subject of the book…

Concentrate on Your Product

Knowing your product is crucial to your career and life. Just as you must have a clear sense of your…

External Sources and False Conflict

There is always a third party of some kind at the root of the conflicts in your life. Conflicts with…

You Need to Stop Competing and Seeing Differences Between You and Others

In this article Harrison discusses the importance of having open lines of communication. According to him this will consistently keep…