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legal recruiter

The Heller Ehrman Dissolution

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The dissolution of Heller Ehrman is an event that makes me quite sad. The September 2008 article in The Wall Street Journal stated one reason for the dissolution was that several major cases the firm had been working on were settled, and therefore the...

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Finding a Job in a Down Market

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I made a video recently called “Job Search Secrets for a Recession,” which discussed the best way to locate a position during a recession. In my experience, the best way to find a job is and always has been to approach the widest variety of employers...

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Nightly Sex in Hotel Bar Bathrooms with Women in Burqas

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I first saw a few of them when I got on the plane in Los Angeles. I had a stopover in Dubai and would be traveling there first. A few women got on the airplane wearing burqas. A burqa is something that some Muslim women wear to cover their face and body...

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The Effect of a Weakening Economy on the Job Market

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In the latter half of 2008 Wall Street and the banking system were undergoing major changes. I remember hearing the stress in people’s voices when I spoke to them in New York, and I believed we had reached a sea change of sorts, in the way the...

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The Multiple Mentality Course

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Originally published in the 1920s, The Multiple Mentality Course by Harry Kahne describes a series of exercises leading to the development of greater mental power. The author, who was at one time known as The Incomparable Mentalist and The Man with the...

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Above Life’s Turmoil

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Above Life’s Turmoil by James Allen is an excellent book that will help you confront the truth of who you are. The message of the book is timeless and asks you to look inside of yourself and change instead of trying to change external conditions...

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The Power of Thought

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I’d like to share with you Hamblin’s book titled The Power of Thought which I enjoyed reading immensely. In his book, Hamblin discusses the huge effect that our thoughts have on our success or failure. According to Hamblin, thought power is the greatest...

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Concentration and the Acquirement of Personal Magnetism

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Concentration and the Acquirement of Personal Magnetism by O. Hashnu Hara is an amazing book giving us step-by-step instructions on the secret processes of magnetic healing for curing ailments and illnesses. This is a course of lessons on the action of...

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The Dangers of Complacency

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The most important thing you can do in your pursuit of success is avoid complacency. Never allow yourself to settle down and accept your results as finite. You need to surround yourself with people who will continue to challenge you to become better....

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Job Market

The Importance of Fitting In

By on Jun 13,2024

The ability to fit into your work environment is among the most important parts of obtaining and retaining a job, even more so than your skill level. Fitting in means nothing more than being comfortable in one’s work environment, and making others similarly comfortable. Employers want to hire people who will embrace their approach to business and the world on physical and moral levels, so you must strive to fit in with their worldview.

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