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Supermodels, Your Body, and Your Mind

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I have recently moved into a condominium in Las Vegas and every single day I go down to the gym and exercise. The condo building itself is very large and the units themselves range in price from $100,000 to upwards of $5,000,000. One of the most exciting...

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Planning, Grass Seed, Saunas, and Your Career

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We are always fixing things. Always. We are always doing everything within our power to fix this or that, and we are continually trying to improve things because nothing is ever perfect for us. However, one of the biggest explanations for this is that...

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How to Find Public Interest Jobs and Nonprofit Jobs

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If you have a passion for a certain issue, such as civil rights, the environment, helping the poor, or animals, public interest can be an excellent career choice. In public interest you will be working with others who share a passion for an issue like...

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He Who Sees True Opportunities Shall Always Prosper

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People lose their jobs. Often people are released, even from the best jobs they might have ever had. People may find themselves in a position where they cannot find a job that is as good as the one they lost. What is important, however, is what people...

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A Message to Garcia and Your Career

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One of the most inspiring true stories I have ever read is A Message to Garcia, by Elbert Hubbard. It is a short essay that discusses the initiative of a soldier who is assigned a difficult mission of delivering a message and comes through, completing...

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The Secret Career Tactic of “Lock In”

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In my experience, some of the smartest and most dangerous people in the world are insurance salesmen, copier salespeople, and auto salespeople. They have a secret called “the lock in” that you can use to seriously enhance your career. Insurance Salespeople...

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Think and Grow Rich

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Napolean Hill’s Think and Grow Rich is probably, in my opinion, the best career book ever written.While the subject of the book deals with earning money, the book itself is actually about much, much more.The book deals with how to use your...

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Thought-Force In Business and Everyday Life

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“Thought-Force In Business and Everyday Life” by William Atkinson is an extremely interesting book that talks about personal magnetism, the quality of attracting and influencing people around us. Success in life, according to Atkinson,...

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The Graduate, Andrew Carnegie, and Finding Positive Economic Currents

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In the 1967 movie The Graduate, Dustin Hoffman plays a young, recent college graduate, Ben. At a party, Ben is congratulated by his family and their friends: Guests: We’re all so proud of you, proud, proud, proud, proud, proud, proud, proud. What...

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You Always Need a Backup Plan

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Being in the asphalt business in Detroit taught me very early on that things frequently go wrong. In fact, things go wrong so frequently, it is difficult to believe: Pumps break. Tanks break. Trucks break. People get injured. Employees do not show up...

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Job Market

The Importance of Fitting In

By on Jun 13,2024

The ability to fit into your work environment is among the most important parts of obtaining and retaining a job, even more so than your skill level. Fitting in means nothing more than being comfortable in one’s work environment, and making others similarly comfortable. Employers want to hire people who will embrace their approach to business and the world on physical and moral levels, so you must strive to fit in with their worldview.

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