positive energy

Your Job Is about the Transference Energy

In this article Harrison discusses the importance of ‘energy’ over technical skills. When people are hiring you they are purchasing…

The Best Career Advice You Will Ever Receive

In this article Harrison explains how you can use every single negative thing that happens to you as fuel to…

Being Nice Makes Good Business Sense

In this article Harrison discusses how being nice is the smartest thing you can possibly do in your career. When…

Helpers and Non-Helpers

There are two types of people in the world; helpers and non helpers. The more of a helper you are,…

Surround Yourself with Positive People

In this article Harrison discusses why associating with positive people is among the most important things you can do in…

My Lesson from the Missionaries

You cannot afford to be associated with positions in which people implant negative thoughts and ideas in your mind. Negative…