practicing law

practicing law

Try as Hard as You Can

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Many people want and demand a lot out of life. They want the happiest family, the best material goods and vacations, the best homes, and the best cars. They demand the best in everything. They also want the best jobs and the most advancement. Often,...

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Filed under Employment Do’s and Don’ts, Featured 37 Comments  

Do Not Get Involved in the Social Side of the Office

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Several years ago we had an employee at one of our companies who was extremely intelligent. This person was older and had worked at several jobs before coming to our company. Although he’d never excelled at any of these jobs, he’d done well enough....

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Filed under Employment Do’s and Don’ts 25 Comments  

The Danger of Driving Sharp Bargains

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Every time I have ever seen someone drive a sharp bargain, it has ended up coming back at the person in some negative way. People who get paid more than they are worth, or who receive more benefit than they provide, always run into problems and have...

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Filed under Featured, Life Lessons 1 Comment  

How to Manage Crisis

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One of the scariest things for any of us is being in crisis. A crisis can be defined several ways. It can be: the loss of a job a divorce a traumatic injury a death the alienation of a loved one due to a fight or disagreement a severe illness or even...

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Filed under Featured, How to Succeed, Life Lessons, Staying Positive 7 Comments  

Allow People around You to Feel and Believe Whatever They Want

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When I was about nine years old, I was driving down the street with a relative and we saw a huge, pale man who was walking down the side of the road flipping off cars and screaming at them. The man didn’t have a shirt on and seemed extremely...

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Filed under Featured, Life Lessons 6 Comments  

Flow, Your Ego and Your Career

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Aristotle believed that more than anything, we seek to be happy. There are some individuals who do their work and continually find happiness in this work. Work for them takes on a meaning that transcends what most of us experience. These people feel...

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Filed under Advancement, Featured 8 Comments  

Treating Your Career Like a Small Business

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No one seems to take the time to consider that their careers are businesses. Your career is no different than any small business. You have a product (you) that you’re selling to your audience (your employer). You need to run your career exactly...

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Filed under Featured, Getting Ahead, Goal Setting 4 Comments  

Do Not Be a Victim

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When I was growing up, my mother was an investigator with the Michigan Department of Civil Rights. Essentially, her job involved listening to various peoples’ complaints alleging they were discriminated against by an employer due to their race, sex,...

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Filed under Employment Do’s and Don’ts, Featured, The Role of Jobs in Today’s World 3 Comments  

Finish What You Start

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If you drive less than an hour outside of any major city in America, you will very quickly begin to see a different world. Typically, in the best neighborhoods and areas, the lawns are well maintained and there is not much to see beyond trees, flowers,...

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Filed under Featured, Goal Setting 20 Comments  

Find Joy in Your Life’s Work-and Never Be without Work

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In my work as an advocate for people to find jobs, I insist that the people who work for me enjoy their own jobs, and this includes the recruiting team. I expect the recruiters I work with to thoroughly enjoy, appreciate, and respect the people they...

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Filed under Featured, Getting Ahead, Goal Setting 8 Comments  

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Job Market

The Importance of Fitting In

By on Jun 13,2024

The ability to fit into your work environment is among the most important parts of obtaining and retaining a job, even more so than your skill level. Fitting in means nothing more than being comfortable in one’s work environment, and making others similarly comfortable. Employers want to hire people who will embrace their approach to business and the world on physical and moral levels, so you must strive to fit in with their worldview.

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