
Your Perceptions Will Control Your Outcome and Life

In this article Harrison discusses that the meaning you give to things will control the quality of your life. How…

The Importance of Discipline

You cannot achieve anything in life by just thinking about it; you must get out there and consistently do work…

You Need to Delay Gratification

In this article Harrison explains how long-term enjoyment of life requires that we delay gratification until a later time. The…

Choose Your Frames of Reference Wisely

Your life is shaped by the reference points through which you experience the world, which you establish based on your…

Your Life Is Controlled by Your Decisions and Your Commitment to Them

In this article Harrison discusses how your life is controlled by your decisions and your commitment to them. You have…

Evidence and Your Instincts

Joshua Bell, one of the most famous violinists in the world, took a $3.5-million dollar Stradivarius Violin and played for…

Do What You Do

Anytime you step outside of your area of expertise, you risk falling down. You will be operating in a space…

Use Existing Resources

The most resourceful people and organizations also usually end up being the most successful. Most people, however, fail to use…

The Two Most Important Ingredients of Success

The truth is you can become almost any sort of person and achieve just about whatever you want to achieve…

Practice Makes Perfect

Rather than committing to a career, many people switch jobs and take positions that require completely different skill sets; consequently,…