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Where to Find Government Jobs

Harrison Barnes
By Jan 16,2024
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When I say I’m excited about government jobs, I mean it. They’re better than many other jobs this day and age and often provide good benefits, pensions, and to some extent, employment security. In most cases, you’ll be in good shape on many levels if you can get a government job.

There is tremendous competition for these jobs, in many cases. I worked in the Justice Department at one time, and to get a job there was incredibly difficult. Often, they received hundreds, if not thousands of applications for just one spot. Thankfully, there are a lot of government jobs out there. And they’re much easier to find than you might believe. However, most people don’t know how to find these jobs.

I’m going to tell you everything you need to know about finding federal government jobs, state government jobs, and finally, county and city jobs.

Searching for government jobs is a very complex process and involves looking through literally hundreds of different government agencies, departments, and other government websites. A good consolidator of all of these government jobs is GovernmentCrossing.com. I highly recommend using GovernmentCrossing if you want to save yourself a lot of time and frustration in your job search.

Another great source of government jobs that can save you time is Granted.com. Whether it’s city, county, state, or federal government jobs you’re looking for, Gig offers free access to job seekers to thousands of jobs in a variety of categories and industries, government being one of them.

Federal Government Jobs


The most common website for finding federal government jobs is usajobs.gov. You can find job openings with all of the major branches of the government, apply online, and see what the salary range is for each position.

The site USAJobs.gov is run and operated by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management. They have a pretty good website, which I recommend reviewing. You can find it here:

This is a good resource because it contains a lot of information and answers numerous questions you might have regarding federal government jobs.

Ideally, USAJobs.gov would list every job from every government agency, but that isn’t always the case. Sometimes jobs are missing, which means if you are interested in a particular agency, you should look at that agency’s site directly. Because USAJobs.gov has so many positions, you might think they have every single opening listed. But that’s not true. And that’s why it is so important when looking for government work that you use other sources. Just think of all the people who don’t know this and miss out on good jobs every year because they’re not looking searching broadly enough. Don’t let that happen to you.

Besides just standard job openings, you can also see job opportunities in the federal government for students, internships, as well as other opportunities for getting involved and getting your foot in the door. You can find all of this on USAJobs.gov.


If you aren’t familiar with the different agencies of the government, you may not know where you’d like to work. FedWorld.gov has tons of links to the different branches and agencies. I recommend visiting this link for a comprehensive listing of the agencies: http://www.fedworld.gov/govlinks.html

If you are taking your employment search seriously, it is important that you visit the website of each federal agency. Many of the agencies will not list their jobs on USAJobs.gov, so it is extremely important that you visit each agency independently to get this information. FedWorld.gov is a good place to start when visiting various agencies for jobs.

Some of the more famous agencies where you might like to work include the CIA, the Department of Homeland Security, or the Peace Corps. These can be hard jobs to get, but don’t be afraid to apply. At the same time, you should consider some of the less flashy organizations, like the African Development Foundation, National Labor Relations Board, or FDIC.

I have provided the following list of alternative sites for you to research that are all very good:

Employment with Homeland Security

The Department of Homeland Security offers a variety of job opportunities where you would be responsible for preserving the country’s security. As an employee, you may play a role in law enforcement, disaster response, cybersecurity, immigration, and numerous other vital aspects of national security. The URL of the Department of Homeland Security’s job site is http://www.dhs.gov/xabout/careers. This is a good site with lots of jobs.


Military Jobs

Career opportunities in the military are virtually limitless. You can get the sort of hands-on training you need to explore careers in aviation, accounting, education, medicine, law, technology, and more. Plus, you’ll likely gain the necessary experience to enjoy a robust career in your chosen field in the private sector following your military service. You can view all the job possibilities the military offers at: http://www.todaysmilitary.com/military-careers. If you’re interested in a military job, that’s where you should be looking.


US Postal Service


The US Postal Service always has a lot of job openings. They provide numerous job opportunities for those looking to build a long-term career. While the general assumption is that postal employees only sort or deliver mail, the fact is the US Postal Service offers opportunities in a variety of areas from administrative, human resources, and accounting to marketing, real estate, and architecture. You can search for jobs with the postal service at: http://about.usps.com/careers/welcome.htm.


Jobs with the FBI


There are an amazing number of job opportunities with the FBI. The FBI seeks employees for both professional staff and special agent positions. Professional staff openings are available in roles such as linguistics, applied science, intelligence analysis, and business management. Government IT jobs are also part of the FBI’s professional staff job openings. For special agent positions, you may work on cases involving cyber crime, terrorism, extortion, drug-trafficking, kidnapping, and more. All employees of the FBI are expected to uphold the FBI’s core values and to fulfill the FBI’s priorities. They even have jobs for college students. The website to visit for more information is: http://www.fbijobs.gov.


Social Security Administration Jobs

The Social Security Administration has branches in almost every decent sized city in the country. Jobs in the social security administration, especially in smaller towns, are good jobs. I used to live right across the street from the Social Security office in Bay City, Michigan. There was a guy that worked there that was about my age and making much more than I was in salary and I don’t think he had ever graduated from college. He had a very good job. The Social Security Administration has jobs for students and others in areas like information technology, legal, law enforcement, and more. For potential job opportunities, visit: http://www.ssa.gov/careers/.


The National Security Agency

The National Security Agency or NSA is an ultra secret agency that works primarily with intelligence. Opportunities are available in engineering, mathematics, cryptanalysis, computer science, intelligence analysis, and more for students, professionals, and transitioning military, alike. It’s an interesting agency to work for, to say the least. Their website is http://www.nsa.gov/careers.

One very interesting and specialized site is called FedsHireVets.gov. If you have done military service, this is a great site for you.


Jobs with the Secret Service

The Secret Service is tasked with two primary objectives. The first is protecting the President, former presidents, and other high-ranking officials. The second is investigating numerous financial crimes including money laundering, counterfeiting, and computer fraud. You can explore a wide range of career opportunities including those in clerical, administrative, scientific, and special agent roles on their website at www.secretservice.gov/opportunities.shtml.


Jobs with the Internal Revenue Service

The Internal Revenue Service or IRS is responsible for ensuring there is money available to fund all of the essential services that make this country great. As an employee with the IRS, you may work as an accountant, a file clerk, an economist, a lawyer, a tax specialist, or something else altogether. The IRS job site is http://www.jobs.irs.gov.


Jobs with the Justice Department

The Department of Justice is responsible for protecting citizens and preserving our freedoms. You may find opportunities as a lawyer or a special agent, with some job openings available even to students. To view current job vacancies, go to the Department of Justice website at: http://www.justice.gov/careers/careers.html.

One of the things I want to caution you about is when you look for federal jobs, only sites that end in “.gov” are real federal sites most of the time. It’s important for you to understand this because I don’t want you to be misled. USAJobs.gov is obviously a real government site, but FederalGovernmentJobs.us has absolutely nothing to do with the federal government.

Even though they’re trying to act like they’re a federal government site, there is a big ad for Monster.com at the top. These guys are making money with keywords and that sort of thing. It’s not a real federal government job site.

The same goes for FederalJobs.net, DCJobSource.com, and JobsFed.com. They’re trying to look like they’re federal government job sites and they’re selling books, but they’re not the real thing. So, when you’re looking for federal jobs, be careful and make sure you’re on a real federal government site. Use the sites I have discussed above.

For this sector, I recommend staying away from the big job sites. The federal government is very efficient in filling positions. Instead, check with the major agencies and also USAJobs.gov when looking for jobs in the federal government.

Do not be freaked out by the long descriptions. Government jobs are notorious in terms of having very long descriptions and often it’s difficult to find out what the job is about.

I’ve been astonished by how long some of these job descriptions are when I’ve gone through them in the past. My advice? Take your time. Read them very closely. Federal government job descriptions are typically not worded well, so work through them carefully.

There are an astonishing number of federal government jobs out there and the salaries don’t often differ from their private business counterparts. You may even find the salaries are higher with the government. Look very closely at federal government jobs when you’re doing your search. You might be surprised at the depth of jobs they have available.


Here is a Complete List of Federal Government Departments and Agencies You Can Check for Government Jobs:

Name of Department/Agency Homepage Jobs Area
Access Board Homepage None Found
Administration for Native Americans Homepage Jobs/Careers
Administration on Aging (AoA) Homepage Jobs/Careers
Administration on Developmental Disabilities Homepage Jobs/Careers
Administrative Committee of the Federal Register Homepage Jobs/Careers
Administrative Conference of the United States Homepage Jobs/Careers
Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts Homepage Jobs/Careers
Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Homepage None Found
African Development Foundation Homepage None Found
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Homepage None Found
Agency for International Development Homepage Jobs/Careers
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry Homepage Jobs/Careers
Agricultural Marketing Service Homepage None Found
Agricultural Research Service Homepage Jobs/Careers
Agriculture Department Homepage Jobs/Careers
Air Force Homepage Jobs/Careers
Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (Treasury) Homepage Jobs/Careers
Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives Bureau (Justice) Homepage Jobs/Careers
American Battle Monuments Commission Homepage Jobs/Careers
AmeriCorps Recruiting Homepage None Found
AMTRAK (National Railroad Passenger Corporation) Homepage None Found
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Homepage None Found
Antitrust Division Homepage Jobs/Careers
Appalachian Regional Commission Homepage None Found
Architect of the Capitol Homepage Jobs/Careers
Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board (Access Board) Homepage None Found
Archives (National Archives and Records Administration) Homepage Jobs/Careers
Arctic Research Commission Homepage None Found
Armed Forces Retirement Home Homepage None Found
Arms Control and International Security Homepage Jobs/Careers
Army Homepage Jobs/Careers
Army Corps of Engineers Homepage Jobs/Careers
Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Interagency Coordinating Committee Homepage Jobs/Careers
Atlantic Fleet Forces Command Homepage None Found
Bankruptcy Courts Homepage Jobs/Careers
Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation Homepage None Found
Bonneville Power Administration Homepage Jobs/Careers
Botanic Garden Homepage None Found
Broadcasting Board of Governors (Voice of America, Radio|TV Marti and more) Homepage Jobs/Careers
Bureau of Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade (Treasury) Homepage Jobs/Careers
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (Justice) Homepage Jobs/Careers
Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) Homepage Jobs/Careers
Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection Homepage Jobs/Careers
Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) Homepage Jobs/Careers
Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) Homepage Jobs/Careers
Bureau of Industry and Security Homepage None Found
Bureau of International Labor Affairs Homepage Jobs/Careers
Bureau of Justice Statistics Homepage Jobs/Careers
Bureau of Labor Statistics Homepage Jobs/Careers
Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Homepage None Found
Bureau of Prisons Homepage None Found
Bureau of Public Debt Homepage Jobs/Careers
Bureau of Reclamation Homepage None Found
Bureau of the Census Homepage None Found
Bureau of the Engraving and Printing Homepage Jobs/Careers
Bureau of the Public Debt Homepage Jobs/Careers
Bureau of Transportation Statistics Homepage Jobs/Careers
Capitol Visitor Center Homepage None Found
Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition Homepage None Found
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Homepage None Found
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Homepage Jobs/Careers
Central Command (CENTCOM) Homepage None Found
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Homepage Jobs/Careers
Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board Homepage Jobs/Careers
Chief Acquisition Officers Council Homepage None Found
Chief Financial Officers Council Homepage None Found
Chief Human Capital Officers Council Homepage None Found
Chief Information Officers Council Homepage None Found
Citizens’ Stamp Advisory Committee Homepage Jobs/Careers
Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) Homepage None Found
Civilian Radioactive Waste Management Homepage Jobs/Careers
Coast Guard Homepage Jobs/Careers
Commerce Department Homepage None Found
Commission on Civil Rights Homepage None Found
Commission on Fine Arts Homepage None Found
Commission on International Religious Freedom Homepage Jobs/Careers
Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (Helsinki Commission) Homepage Jobs/Careers
Committee for Purchase from People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled Homepage Jobs/Careers
Committee for the Implementation of Textile Agreements Homepage None Found
Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States Homepage None Found
Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) Homepage None Found
Community Planning and Development Homepage None Found
Compliance, Office of Homepage Jobs/Careers
Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US CERT) Homepage None Found
Congressional Budget Office (CBO) Homepage Jobs/Careers
Congressional Research Service Homepage Jobs/Careers
Constitution Center Homepage None Found
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Homepage Jobs/Careers
Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) Homepage Jobs/Careers
Coordinating Council on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Homepage None Found
Copyright Office Homepage None Found
Corporation for National and Community Service Homepage Jobs/Careers
Corps of Engineers Homepage Jobs/Careers
Council of Economic Advisers Homepage None Found
Council on Environmental Quality Homepage None Found
Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces Homepage None Found
Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Homepage Jobs/Careers
Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims Homepage None Found
Court of Federal Claims Homepage Jobs/Careers
Court of International Trade Homepage None Found
Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency for the District of Columbia Homepage Jobs/Careers
Defense Acquisition University Homepage Jobs/Careers
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Homepage Jobs/Careers
Defense Commissary Agency Homepage Jobs/Careers
Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) Homepage Jobs/Careers
Defense Contract Management Agency Homepage Jobs/Careers
Defense Field Activities Homepage Jobs/Careers
Defense Finance and Accounting Services (DFAS) Homepage Jobs/Careers
Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) Homepage Jobs/Careers
Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) Homepage Jobs/Careers
Defense Legal Services Agency Homepage Jobs/Careers
Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) Homepage None Found
Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board Homepage Jobs/Careers
Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) Homepage Jobs/Careers
Defense Security Service (DSS) Homepage None Found
Defense Technical Information Center Homepage Jobs/Careers
Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) Homepage Jobs/Careers
Delaware River Basin Commission Homepage Jobs/Careers
Denali Commission Homepage None Found
Department of Commerce (DOC) Homepage None Found
Department of Defense (DOD) Homepage Jobs/Careers
Department of Defense Inspector General Homepage Jobs/Careers
Department of Education (ED) Homepage Jobs/Careers
Department of Energy (DOE) Homepage Jobs/Careers
Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Homepage None Found
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Homepage None Found
Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Homepage None Found
Department of Justice (DOJ) Homepage None Found
Department of Labor (DOL) Homepage Jobs/Careers
Department of State (DOS) Homepage Jobs/Careers
Department of the Interior (DOI) Homepage Jobs/Careers
Department of the Treasury Homepage None Found
Department of Transportation (DOT) Homepage Jobs/Careers
Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Homepage Jobs/Careers
Director of National Intelligence, Office of Homepage None Found
Domestic Policy Council Homepage Jobs/Careers
Drug Enforcement Administration Homepage Jobs/Careers
Economic Adjustment Office Homepage None Found
Economic Analysis, Bureau of Homepage Jobs/Careers
Economic Development Administration Homepage None Found
Economic Research Service Homepage Jobs/Careers
Economic, Business and Agricultural Affairs Homepage Jobs/Careers
Economics and Statistics Administration Homepage None Found
Education Department Homepage Jobs/Careers
Election Assistance Commission Homepage Jobs/Careers
Elementary and Secondary Education, Office of Homepage Jobs/Careers
Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA) Homepage Jobs/Careers
Employment and Training Administration Homepage Jobs/Careers
Endangered Species Committee Homepage None Found
Energy Department Homepage Jobs/Careers
Energy Information Administration Homepage Jobs/Careers
English Language Acquisition Office Homepage Jobs/Careers
Engraving and Printing, Bureau of Homepage Jobs/Careers
Environmental Management (Energy Department) Homepage None Found
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Homepage Jobs/Careers
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) Homepage Jobs/Careers
European Command Homepage None Found
Executive Office for Immigration Review Homepage None Found
Export-Import Bank of the United States Homepage None Found
Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity (FHEO) Homepage None Found
Farm Credit Administration Homepage Jobs/Careers
Farm Service Agency Homepage None Found
Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board Homepage None Found
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Homepage Jobs/Careers
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Homepage Jobs/Careers
Federal Bureau of Prisons Homepage None Found
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Homepage Jobs/Careers
Federal Consulting Group Homepage Jobs/Careers
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Homepage Jobs/Careers
Federal Election Commission Homepage Jobs/Careers
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Homepage Jobs/Careers
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Homepage Jobs/Careers
Federal Executive Boards Homepage None Found
Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council Homepage None Found
Federal Financing Bank Homepage None Found
Federal Geographic Data Committee Homepage None Found
Federal Highway Administration Homepage Jobs/Careers
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac) Homepage Jobs/Careers
Federal Housing Finance Agency Homepage None Found
Federal Interagency Committee for the Management of Noxious and Exotic Weeds Homepage None Found
Federal Interagency Committee on Education Homepage Jobs/Careers
Federal Interagency Council on Statistical Policy Homepage None Found
Federal Judicial Center Homepage None Found
Federal Labor Relations Authority Homepage Jobs/Careers
Federal Laboratory Consortium for Technology Transfer Homepage Jobs/Careers
Federal Law Enforcement Training Center Homepage None Found
Federal Library and Information Center Committee Homepage Jobs/Careers
Federal Maritime Commission Homepage None Found
Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service Homepage None Found
Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission Homepage None Found
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) Homepage None Found
Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) Homepage Jobs/Careers
Federal Railroad Administration Homepage Jobs/Careers
Federal Reserve System Homepage Jobs/Careers
Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board Homepage None Found
Federal Student Aid Information Center Homepage Jobs/Careers
Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Homepage None Found
Federal Transit Administration Homepage None Found
Financial Management Service (Treasury Department) Homepage None Found
Fiscal Responsibility and Reform, National Commission Homepage None Found
Fish and Wildlife Service Homepage None Found
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Homepage None Found
Food Safety and Inspection Service Homepage Jobs/Careers
Foreign Agricultural Service Homepage None Found
Foreign Claims Settlement Commission Homepage None Found
Forest Service Homepage Jobs/Careers
Fossil Energy Homepage None Found
Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board Homepage Jobs/Careers
General Services Administration (GSA) Homepage None Found
Geological Survey Homepage Jobs/Careers
Global Affairs (State Department) Homepage Jobs/Careers
Government Accountability Office (GAO) Homepage Jobs/Careers
Government Ethics, Office of Homepage Jobs/Careers
Government National Mortgage Association Homepage None Found
Government Printing Office (GPO) Homepage Jobs/Careers
Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration Homepage None Found
Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation Homepage None Found
Health and Human Services Department Homepage None Found
Health Resources and Services Administration Homepage None Found
Healthy Homes and Lead Hazard Control Office Homepage None Found
Helsinki Commission (Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe) Homepage Jobs/Careers
Holocaust Memorial Museum Homepage None Found
Homeland Security Department Homepage
House Leadership Offices Homepage Jobs/Careers
House of Representatives Homepage Jobs/Careers
House of Representatives Committees Homepage Jobs/Careers
House Office of Inspector General Homepage Jobs/Careers
House Office of the Clerk Homepage None Found
House Organizations, Commissions, and Task Forces Homepage Jobs/Careers
Housing Office (HUD) Homepage None Found
Illinois and Michigan Canal National Heritage Corridor Commission Homepage Jobs/Careers
Indian Affairs, Bureau of Homepage Jobs/Careers
Indian Arts and Crafts Board Homepage Jobs/Careers
Indian Health Service Homepage Jobs/Careers
Industrial College of the Armed Forces Homepage Jobs/Careers
Industry and Security, Bureau of Homepage None Found
Information Resource Management College Homepage Jobs/Careers
Information Resources Center Homepage None Found
Innovation and Improvement Office Homepage Jobs/Careers
Inspectors General Homepage Jobs/Careers
Institute of Education Sciences Homepage Jobs/Careers
Institute of Museum and Library Services Homepage Jobs/Careers
Institute of Peace Homepage None Found
Inter-American Foundation Homepage None Found
Interagency Alternative Dispute Resolution Working Group Homepage None Found
Interagency Council on Homelessness Homepage None Found
Interior Department Homepage Jobs/Careers
Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Homepage Jobs/Careers
International Labor Affairs, Bureau of Homepage Jobs/Careers
International Trade Administration (ITA) Homepage None Found
International Trade Commission Homepage Jobs/Careers
Interpol Homepage Jobs/Careers
James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation Homepage None Found
Japan-United States Friendship Commission Homepage None Found
Job Corps Homepage Jobs/Careers
John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts Homepage Jobs/Careers
Joint Board for the Enrollment of Actuaries Homepage Jobs/Careers
Joint Chiefs of Staff Homepage None Found
Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies Homepage None Found
Joint Fire Science Program Homepage None Found
Joint Forces Command Homepage None Found
Joint Forces Staff College Homepage None Found
Joint Military Intelligence College Homepage Jobs/Careers
Judicial Circuit Courts of Appeal Homepage Jobs/Careers
Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation Homepage None Found
Justice Department Homepage None Found
Justice Programs, Office of Homepage None Found
Justice Statistics, Bureau of Homepage None Found
Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Office of Homepage
Labor Department (DOL) Homepage Jobs/Careers
Labor Statistics, Bureau of Homepage Jobs/Careers
Land Management, Bureau of Homepage None Found
Legal Services Corporation Homepage None Found
Library of Congress Homepage Jobs/Careers
Marine Corps Homepage Jobs/Careers
Marine Mammal Commission Homepage Jobs/Careers
Maritime Administration Homepage Jobs/Careers
Marketing and Regulatory Programs (Agriculture Department) Homepage None Found
Marshals Service Homepage None Found
Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission Homepage Jobs/Careers
Medicare Payment Advisory Commission Homepage Jobs/Careers
Merit Systems Protection Board Homepage Jobs/Careers
Migratory Bird Conservation Commission Homepage None Found
Military Postal Service Agency Homepage
Millennium Challenge Corporation Homepage Jobs/Careers
Mine Safety and Health Administration Homepage Jobs/Careers
Minority Business Development Agency Homepage None Found
Mint Homepage None Found
Missile Defense Agency (MDA) Homepage None Found
Mississippi River Commission Homepage Jobs/Careers
Morris K. Udall and Stewart L. Udall Foundation Homepage None Found
Multifamily Housing Office Homepage None Found
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Homepage Jobs/Careers
National Agricultural Statistics Service Homepage Jobs/Careers
National AIDS Policy Office Homepage Jobs/Careers
National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) Homepage Jobs/Careers
National Bipartisan Commission on the Future of Medicare Homepage None Found
National Capital Planning Commission Homepage None Found
National Cemetery Administration (NCA) Homepage Jobs/Careers
National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform Homepage None Found
National Constitution Center Homepage None Found
National Council on Disability (NCD) Homepage Jobs/Careers
National Counterintelligence Executive, Office of Homepage None Found
National Credit Union Administration Homepage Jobs/Careers
National Defense University Homepage Jobs/Careers
National Drug Intelligence Center Homepage None Found
National Economic Council Homepage Jobs/Careers
National Endowment for the Arts Homepage Jobs/Careers
National Endowment for the Humanities Homepage None Found
National Gallery of Art Homepage None Found
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency Homepage None Found
National Guard Homepage Jobs/Careers
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) Homepage Jobs/Careers
National Indian Gaming Commission Homepage Jobs/Careers
National Institute of Food and Agriculture Homepage Jobs/Careers
National Institute of Justice Homepage None Found
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Homepage None Found
National Institutes of Health (NIH) Homepage None Found
National Interagency Fire Center Homepage Jobs/Careers
National Labor Relations Board Homepage Jobs/Careers
National Laboratories (Energy Department) Homepage Jobs/Careers
National Marine Fisheries Service Homepage None Found
National Mediation Board Homepage None Found
National Nuclear Security Administration Homepage None Found
National Ocean Service Homepage Jobs/Careers
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Homepage Jobs/Careers
National Park Foundation Homepage Jobs/Careers
National Park Service Homepage Jobs/Careers
National Railroad Passenger Corporation (AMTRAK) Homepage None Found
National Reconnaissance Office Homepage Jobs/Careers
National Science Foundation Homepage Jobs/Careers
National Security Agency (NSA) Homepage Jobs/Careers
National Security Council Homepage Jobs/Careers
National Technical Information Service Homepage None Found
National Telecommunications and Information Administration Homepage None Found
National Transportation Safety Board Homepage Jobs/Careers
National War College Homepage None Found
National Weather Service (NOAA) Homepage Jobs/Careers
Natural Resources Conservation Service Homepage None Found
Navy Homepage None Found
Northern Command Homepage None Found
Northwest Power Planning Council Homepage None Found
Nuclear Energy, Science and Technology Homepage Jobs/Careers
Nuclear Regulatory Commission Homepage Jobs/Careers
Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board Homepage None Found
Oak Ridge National Laboratory Homepage Jobs/Careers
Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission Homepage Jobs/Careers
Office for Civil Rights, Department of Education Homepage Jobs/Careers
Office of Compliance Homepage Jobs/Careers
Office of Disability Employment Policy Homepage Jobs/Careers
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE) Homepage Jobs/Careers
Office of Government Ethics Homepage Jobs/Careers
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Homepage None Found
Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Homepage Jobs/Careers
Office of Mediation and Conciliation Service Homepage None Found
Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) Homepage None Found
Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Homepage Jobs/Careers
Office of Refugee Resettlement Homepage Jobs/Careers
Office of Science and Technology Policy Homepage None Found
Office of Scientific and Technical Information Homepage None Found
Office of Special Counsel Homepage Jobs/Careers
Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) Homepage Jobs/Careers
Office of the Director of National Intelligence Homepage None Found
Office of the Pardon Attorney Homepage None Found
Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS) Homepage None Found
Open World Leadership Center Homepage None Found
Overseas Private Investment Corporation Homepage Jobs/Careers
Pacific Command Homepage None Found
Pardon Attorney, Office of Homepage None Found
Parole Commission (Justice Department) Homepage None Found
Peace Corps Homepage None Found
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) Homepage None Found
Pentagon Force Protection Agency Homepage None Found
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration Homepage None Found
Policy Development and Research Homepage Jobs/Careers
Political Affairs (State Department) Homepage Jobs/Careers
Postal Regulatory Commission Homepage Jobs/Careers
Power Administrations Homepage Jobs/Careers
President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports Homepage None Found
Presidio Trust Homepage None Found
Prisoner of War/Missing Personnel Office Homepage Jobs/Careers
Public and Indian Housing Homepage None Found
Public Debt, Bureau of Homepage Jobs/Careers
Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs (State Department) Homepage Jobs/Careers
Radio and TV Marti (Español) Homepage None Found
Radio Free Asia (RFA) Homepage Jobs/Careers
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) Homepage Jobs/Careers
Railroad Retirement Board (RRB) Homepage Jobs/Careers
Reclamation, Bureau of Homepage None Found
Refugee Resettlement, Office of Homepage Jobs/Careers
Regulatory Information Service Center Homepage None Found
Rehabilitation Services Administration (Education Department) Homepage Jobs/Careers
Research and Innovative Technology Administration Homepage Jobs/Careers
Research, Education and Economics (Agriculture Department) Homepage None Found
Risk Management Agency (Agriculture Department) Homepage None Found
Rural Business and Cooperative Programs Homepage None Found
Rural Development Homepage None Found
Rural Housing Service Homepage None Found
Rural Utilities Service Homepage None Found
Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation Homepage Jobs/Careers
Science and Technology Policy, Office of Homepage None Found
Science Office (Energy Department) Homepage Jobs/Careers
Scientific and Technical Information, Office of Homepage None Found
Secret Service Homepage Jobs/Careers
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Homepage Jobs/Careers
Selective Service System (SSS) Homepage None Found
Senate Homepage None Found
Senate Committees Homepage None Found
Senate Leadership Homepage None Found
Senators on the Web Homepage None Found
Small Business Administration (SBA) Homepage None Found
Smithsonian Institution Homepage None Found
Social Security Administration (SSA) Homepage Jobs/Careers
Social Security Advisory Board Homepage Jobs/Careers
Southeastern Power Administration Homepage None Found
Southern Command Homepage Jobs/Careers
Southwestern Power Administration Homepage Jobs/Careers
Special Forces Operations Command Homepage None Found
State Department Homepage Jobs/Careers
State Justice Institute Homepage None Found
Stennis Center for Public Service Homepage None Found
Strategic Command Homepage None Found
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Homepage None Found
Supreme Court of the United States Homepage Jobs/Careers
Surface Mining, Reclamation and Enforcement Homepage Jobs/Careers
Surface Transportation Board Homepage None Found
Susquehanna River Basin Commission Homepage None Found
Tax Court Homepage Jobs/Careers
Taxpayer Advocacy Panel Homepage None Found
Tennessee Valley Authority Homepage Jobs/Careers
Trade and Development Agency Homepage None Found
Transportation Command Homepage None Found
Transportation Department Homepage Jobs/Careers
Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Homepage Jobs/Careers
Transportation Statistics, Bureau of Homepage Jobs/Careers
Treasury Department Homepage None Found
TRICARE Management Homepage None Found
Trustee Program (Justice Department) Homepage None Found
U.S. AbilityOne Commission Homepage Jobs/Careers
U.S. Access Board Homepage None Found
U.S. Capitol Visitor Center Homepage None Found
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Homepage None Found
U.S. Coast Guard Homepage Jobs/Careers
U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) Homepage Jobs/Careers
U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) Homepage Jobs/Careers
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Homepage Jobs/Careers
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Homepage None Found
U.S. International Trade Commission Homepage Jobs/Careers
U.S. Military Academy, West Point Homepage Jobs/Careers
U.S. Mission to the United Nations Homepage Jobs/Careers
U.S. National Central Bureau – Interpol (Justice Department) Homepage None Found
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Homepage None Found
U.S. Postal Service (USPS) Homepage Jobs/Careers
U.S. Sentencing Commission Homepage Jobs/Careers
U.S. Trade and Development Agency Homepage None Found
U.S. Trade Representative Homepage Jobs/Careers
Unified Combatant Commands (Defense Department) Homepage Jobs/Careers
Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences Homepage None Found
United States Mint Homepage None Found
Veterans Affairs Department (VA) Homepage Jobs/Careers
Veterans Benefits Administration Homepage Jobs/Careers
Veterans Day National Committee Homepage Jobs/Careers
Veterans’ Employment and Training Service Homepage Jobs/Careers
Vietnam Educational Foundation Homepage Jobs/Careers
Voice of America (VOA) Homepage Jobs/Careers
Washington Headquarters Services Homepage None Found
Weather Service Homepage Jobs/Careers
West Point (Army) Homepage Jobs/Careers
Western Area Power Administration Homepage None Found
White House Homepage None Found
White House Commission on Presidential Scholars Homepage Jobs/Careers
White House Commission on the National Moment of Remembrance Homepage None Found
White House Office of Administration Homepage Jobs/Careers
Women’s Bureau (Labor Department) Homepage Jobs/Careers
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars Homepage Jobs/Careers

While it may seem like overkill to search each of these sites for jobs, I can assure you that the effort is often well worth it. For example, this random association admits it doesn’t post all of its jobs on USAJobs.gov right on its own website:


Jobs with State Governments


Most states have what are called Career Information Delivery Systems. They can be found in a lot of places, but most of them have information online. A simple search online should help you find a directory of state government jobs.

Here is a List of State Employment Sites

New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia

The number of jobs on these sites is astonishing. Even Delaware, which is a small state, has plentiful opportunities. It’s such a cool to look for jobs. Can you even believe how many of these jobs sites there are? It’s absolutely insane. I’m glad we didn’t go through all of the federal government ones.

Even though USAJobs.gov offers a very comprehensive list of sites, as you undoubtedly noticed upon visiting it, you still had to go to FedWorld.gov to get a full list of various agencies.

The same thing goes here. Just like USAJobs.gov, the state information sites don’t offer a complete list of all the jobs available. For that, you have to visit all of the state agency websites for a given state.

Here is a list of all of the State Agencies in Texas, for example:

Agency TRAIL Page Website Archive
Accountancy, Board of Public TRAIL Home Archive
Adjutant General’s Dept. TRAIL Home Archive
Administrative Hearings, Office of TRAIL Home Archive
Affordable Housing Corporation TRAIL Home Archive
Aging and Disability Services, Dept. of TRAIL Home Archive
Agriculture, Dept. of TRAIL Home Archive
AgriLife Extension Service, Texas TRAIL Home Archive
AgriLife Research, Texas TRAIL Home Archive
Alcoholic Beverage Commission TRAIL Home Archive
Anatomical Board TRAIL Home Archive
Angelina and Neches River Authority TRAIL Home Archive
Animal Health Commission TRAIL Home Archive
Apiary Inspection Service (Entomologist, Office of the State) TRAIL Home Archive
Appeals, Court of — 01st TRAIL Home Archive
Appeals, Court of — 02nd TRAIL Home Archive
Appeals, Court of — 03rd TRAIL Home Archive
Appeals, Court of — 04th TRAIL Home Archive
Appeals, Court of — 05th TRAIL Home Archive
Appeals, Court of — 06th TRAIL Home Archive
Appeals, Court of — 07th TRAIL Home Archive
Appeals, Court of — 08th TRAIL Home Archive
Appeals, Court of — 09th TRAIL Home Archive
Appeals, Court of — 10th TRAIL Home Archive
Appeals, Court of — 11th TRAIL Home Archive
Appeals, Court of — 12th TRAIL Home Archive
Appeals, Court of — 13th TRAIL Home Archive
Appeals, Court of — 14th TRAIL Home Archive
Appraiser Licensing and Certification Board TRAIL Home Archive
Architectural Examiners, Board of TRAIL Home Archive
Arts, Commission on the TRAIL Home Archive
Assistive and Rehabilitative Services, Dept. of TRAIL Home Archive
Attorney General TRAIL Home Archive
Auditor TRAIL Home Archive
Banking, Dept. of TRAIL Home Archive
Bar of Texas, State TRAIL Home Archive
Blind and Visually Impaired, School for the TRAIL Home Archive
Bond Review Board TRAIL Home Archive
Brazos River Authority TRAIL Home Archive
Canadian River Municipal Water Authority TRAIL Home Archive
Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas TRAIL Home Archive
Chiropractic Examiners, Board of TRAIL Home Archive
Coastal Coordination Council TRAIL Home Archive
Competitive Government, Council on TRAIL Home Archive
Comptroller of Public Accounts TRAIL Home Archive
Consumer Credit Commissioner, Office of TRAIL Home Archive
County and District Retirement System TRAIL Home Archive
Court Administration, Office of TRAIL Home Archive
Court Reporters Certification Board TRAIL Home Archive
Credit Union Dept. TRAIL Home Archive
Criminal Appeals, Court of TRAIL Home Archive
Criminal Justice, Dept. of TRAIL Home Archive
Deaf, School for the TRAIL Home Archive
Dental Examiners, Board of TRAIL Home Archive
Developmental Disabilities, Council for TRAIL Home Archive
Developmental Disabilities, Office for Prevention of TRAIL Home Archive
Drought Preparedness Council TRAIL Home Archive
Education Agency TRAIL Home Archive
Educational Technology, Center for TRAIL Home Archive
Educator Certification, State Board for TRAIL Home Archive
Edwards Aquifer Authority TRAIL Home Archive
Emancipation Juneteenth Commission TRAIL Home Archive
Emergency Communications, Commission on State (911) TRAIL Home Archive
Employees Retirement System TRAIL Home Archive
Engineering Experiment Station, Texas TRAIL Home Archive
Engineering Extension Service, Texas TRAIL Home Archive
Engineers, Board of Professional TRAIL Home Archive
Environmental Quality, Commission on TRAIL Home Archive
Ethics Commission TRAIL Home Archive
Facilities Commission TRAIL Home Archive
Family and Protective Services, Dept. of TRAIL Home Archive
Feed and Fertilizer Control Service (Chemist, Office of the State) TRAIL Home Archive
Finance Authority, Public TRAIL Home Archive
Finance Commission TRAIL Home Archive
Fire Fighters Pension Commission TRAIL Home Archive
Fire Protection, Commission on TRAIL Home Archive
Forest Service, Texas TRAIL Home Archive
Funeral Service Commission TRAIL Home Archive
Geoscientists, Board of Professional TRAIL Home Archive
Governor, Office of the TRAIL Home Archive
Groundwater Protection Committee TRAIL Home Archive
Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority TRAIL Home Archive
Gulf Coast Waste Disposal Authority TRAIL Home Archive
Headwaters Groundwater Conservation District TRAIL Home Archive
Health and Human Services Commission TRAIL Home Archive
Health Professions Council TRAIL Home Archive
Health Services, Dept. of State TRAIL Home Archive
High Plains Underground Water Conservation District TRAIL Home Archive
Higher Education Coordinating Board TRAIL Home Archive
Historical Commission TRAIL Home Archive
House of Representatives TRAIL Home Archive
Housing and Community Affairs, Dept. of TRAIL Home Archive
Information Resources, Dept. of TRAIL Home Archive
Injured Employee Counsel, Office of TRAIL Home Archive
Insurance Counsel, Office of Public TRAIL Home Archive
Insurance, Dept. of TRAIL Home Archive
Jail Standards, Commission on TRAIL Home Archive
Judicial Conduct, Commission on TRAIL Home Archive
Judicial Council TRAIL Home Archive
Juvenile Probation Commission TRAIL Home Archive
Land Board, Veterans TRAIL Home Archive
Land Office, General TRAIL Home Archive
Land Surveying, Board of Professional TRAIL Home Archive
Lavaca-Navidad River Authority TRAIL Home Archive
Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education, Commission on TRAIL Home Archive
Law Examiners, Board of TRAIL Home Archive
Law Library TRAIL Home Archive
Legislative Budget Board TRAIL Home Archive
Legislative Council TRAIL Home Archive
Legislative Reference Library TRAIL Home Archive
Library and Archives Commission TRAIL Home Archive
Licensing and Regulation, Dept. of TRAIL Home Archive
Lottery Commission TRAIL Home Archive
Lower Colorado River Authority TRAIL Home Archive
Medical Board TRAIL Home Archive
Military Facilities Commission TRAIL Home Archive
Motor Vehicles, Dept. of TRAIL Home Archive
Municipal Retirement System TRAIL Home Archive
North Plains Ground Water Conservation District TRAIL Home Archive
North Texas Tollway Authority TRAIL Home Archive
Nueces River Authority TRAIL Home Archive
Nursing, Board of TRAIL Home Archive
On-Site Wastewater Treatment Research Council TRAIL Home Archive
Optometry Board TRAIL Home Archive
Panhandle Groundwater Conservation District TRAIL Home Archive
Parks and Wildlife Dept. TRAIL Home Archive
Pension Review Board TRAIL Home Archive
Pharmacy, Board of TRAIL Home Archive
Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy Examiners, Executive Council of TRAIL Home Archive
Plumbing Examiners, Board of TRAIL Home Archive
Podiatric Medical Examiners, Board of TRAIL Home Archive
Preservation Board TRAIL Home Archive
Prosecuting Attorney, Office of State TRAIL Home Archive
Psychologists, Board of Examiners of TRAIL Home Archive
Public Safety, Dept. of TRAIL Home Archive
Public Utility Commission TRAIL Home Archive
Public Utility Counsel, Office of TRAIL Home Archive
Purchasing from People with Disabilities, Council on TRAIL Home Archive
Racing Commission TRAIL Home Archive
Railroad Commission TRAIL Home Archive
Real Estate Commission TRAIL Home Archive
Red River Authority TRAIL Home Archive
Residential Construction Commission TRAIL Home Archive
Rio Grande Regional Water Authority TRAIL Home Archive
Risk Management, Office of TRAIL Home Archive
Rural Affairs, Dept. of TRAIL Home Archive
Sabine River Authority TRAIL Home Archive
San Jacinto River Authority TRAIL Home Archive
Savings and Mortgage Lending, Dept. of TRAIL Home Archive
Secretary of State TRAIL Home Archive
Securities Board TRAIL Home Archive
Senate TRAIL Home Archive
Skill Standards Board TRAIL Home Archive
Soil and Water Conservation Board TRAIL Home Archive
State-Federal Relations, Office of TRAIL Home Archive
Sulphur River Basin Authority TRAIL Home Archive
Sunset Advisory Commission TRAIL Home Archive
Supreme Court TRAIL Home Archive
Tax Professional Examiners, Board of TRAIL Home Archive
Teacher Retirement System TRAIL Home Archive
Toxic Substances Coordinating Committee TRAIL Home Archive
Transportation Institute, Texas TRAIL Home Archive
Transportation, Dept. of TRAIL Home Archive
Trinity River Authority TRAIL Home Archive
Upper Colorado River Authority TRAIL Home Archive
Upper Guadalupe River Authority TRAIL Home Archive
Veterans Commission TRAIL Home Archive
Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory, Texas TRAIL Home Archive
Veterinary Medical Examiners, Board of TRAIL Home Archive
Water Development Board TRAIL Home Archive
Wildlife Damage Management Service, Texas TRAIL Home Archive
Workforce Commission TRAIL Home Archive
Youth Commission TRAIL Home Archive

Though the site for the state of Texas or North Dakota–or any state, for that matter—is going to have most of the state jobs listed, you still need to visit individual state agency websites for access to every opportunity.

Here are lists of each of the State Agencies


State Website
Alabama http://www.info.alabama.gov/directory.aspx?range=2
Alaska http://alaska.gov/akdir1.html
Arizona http://az.gov/webapp/portal/alpha.jsp?name=agency
Arkansas http://portal.arkansas.gov/government/Pages/default.aspx
California http://www.ca.gov/casearch/agencies.aspx
Colorado http://www.sos.state.co.us/CCR/AlphabeticalList.do
Connecticut http://www.ct.gov/ctportal/cwp/view.asp?a=843&q=246466
Delaware http://delaware.gov/topics/agencylist_alpha
Florida http://dlis.dos.state.fl.us/fgils/agencies.html
Georgia http://www.georgia.gov
Hawaii http://www.govspot.com/state/hi.htm
Idaho http://www.idaho.gov/topical.html
Illinois http://www2.illinois.gov/pages/agencies.aspx
Indiana http://www.in.gov/core/find_agency.html
Iowa http://phonebook.iowa.gov/agency.aspx
Kansas http://www.kansas.gov/government/
Kentucky http://kentucky.gov/portal/orglist.aspx
Louisiana http://louisiana.gov/Government/Agency_Index/
Maine http://www.maine.gov/portal/government/state-agencies
Maryland http://www.maryland.gov/government/Pages/Serving.aspx
Massachusetts http://www.mass.gov/portal/global-agency-list.html
Michigan http://www.michigan.gov/statewebsites
Minnesota http://www.state.mn.us/govtoffice/index.html
Mississippi http://www.ms.gov/state_agencies_alpha.jsp?Category_ID=16
Missouri http://www.mo.gov/
Montana http://mt.gov/govt/agencylisting.asp
Nebraska http://www.nebraska.gov/allagencies.html
Nevada http://nv.gov/agency/department/
New Hampshire http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rules/listagencies.html
New Jersey http://nj.gov/nj/gov/deptserv/
New Mexico http://www.newmexico.gov/AtoZ.php
New York http://www.nysegov.com/citguide.cfm?superCat=102&cat=449
North Carolina http://www.ncgov.com/NCAgency.aspx
North Dakota http://www.nd.gov/agency.htm
Ohio http://ohio.gov/agencies/
Oklahoma http://www.ok.gov/agencies.php
Oregon http://www.oregon.gov/a_to_z_listing.shtml
Pennsylvania http://pa.gov/
Rhode Island http://www.info.ri.gov/browse.php?choice=show_az&letter=a
South Carolina http://sc.gov/Pages/OrgList.aspx
South Dakota http://www.sd.gov/state_agencies.aspx
Tennessee http://www.tn.gov/directory/
Texas http://www.tsl.state.tx.us/apps/lrs/agencies
Utah http://www.utah.gov/government/agencylist.htm
Vermont http://www.vermont.gov
Virginia http://portal.virginia.gov/commonwealth_website_directory/
Washington http://access.wa.gov/agency/agency.aspx
West Virginia http://www.wv.gov/Pages/agencies.aspx
Wisconsin http://wi.gov/state/core/agency_index.html
Wyoming http://www.wyoming.gov/agencies.aspx

I hope you see the massive opportunities here. This dramatically increases the number of potential places you can look for jobs. If you understand what I’m getting at, as I’m sure you do, this means each state has its own website with jobs listed. But you can take your search even deeper than that.

Jobs with City and County Governments


Most counties in every state of the country have their own websites with jobs on them. They are no different from USAJobs.gov and the state-specific sites.

A great way to find the list of counties in your state, or the state in which you want, is to do a search on Google for the state name plus “counties.” Generally, Wikipedia can provide the best result.

Here is a List of Local State Governments for all 50 States:

Alabama State and Local Government

State Home Page

Local City and State Resources

Statewide Offices

Legislative Branch

Judicial Branch

Executive Branch

Boards and Commissions






Alaska State and Local Government

State Home Page

State Directory

Local City and State Resources

Statewide Offices

Legislative Branch

Judicial Branch

Executive Branch

Boards and Commissions







Arizona State and Local Government

State Home Page

Local City and State Resources

Statewide Offices

Legislative Branch

Judicial Branch

Executive Branch

Boards and Commissions







Arkansas State and Local Government

State Home Page

State Directory

Local City and State Resources

Statewide Offices

Legislative Branch

Judicial Branch

Executive Branch

Boards and Commissions







California State and Local Government

State Home Page

State Directory

Local City and State Resources

Statewide Offices

Legislative Branch

Judicial Branch

Executive Branch

Boards and Commissions






Helpful links for California


Colorado State and Local Government

State Home Page

Local City and State Resources

Statewide Offices

Legislative Branch

Judicial Branch

Executive Branch

Boards and Commissions







Connecticut State and Local Government

State Home Page

State Directory

Local City and State Resources

Statewide Offices

Legislative Branch

Judicial Branch

Executive Branch

Boards and Commissions






Delaware State and Local Government

State Home Page

State Directory

Local City and State Resources

Statewide Offices

Legislative Branch

Judicial Branch

Executive Branch

Boards and Commissions





Florida State and Local Government

State Home Page

State Portal

Local City and State Resources

Statewide Offices

Legislative Branch

Judicial Branch

Executive Branch

Boards and Commissions







Georgia State and Local Government

State Home Page

Local City and State Resources

Statewide Offices

Legislative Branch

Judicial Branch

Executive Branch

Boards and Commissions







Hawaii State and Local Government

State Home Page

State Directory

Local City and State Resources

Statewide Offices

Legislative Branch

Judicial Branch

Executive Branch

Boards and Commissions







Idaho State and Local Government

State Home Page

State Directory

State Portal

Local City and State Resources

Statewide Offices

Legislative Branch

Judicial Branch

Executive Branch

Boards and Commissions






Illinois State and Local Government

State Home Page

State Directory

Local City and State Resources

Statewide Offices

Legislative Branch

Judicial Branch

Executive Branch

Boards and Commissions







Indiana State and Local Government

State Home Page

State Directory

State Portal

Local City and State Resources

Statewide Offices

Legislative Branch

Judicial Branch

Executive Branch

Boards and Commissions







Iowa State and Local Government

State Home Page

Local City and State Resources

Statewide Offices

Legislative Branch

Judicial Branch

Executive Branch

Boards and Commissions







Kansas State and Local Government

State Home Page

Local City and State Resources

Statewide Offices

Legislative Branch

Judicial Branch

Executive Branch

Boards and Commissions







Kentucky State and Local Government

State Home Page

State Directory

Local City and State Resources

Statewide Offices

Legislative Branch

Judicial Branch

Executive Branch

Boards and Commissions







Louisiana State and Local Government

State Home Page

State Directory

State Portal

Local City and State Resources

Statewide Offices

Legislative Branch

Judicial Branch

Executive Branch

Boards and Commissions







Maine State and Local Government

State Home Page

State Directory

Local City and State Resources

Statewide Offices

Legislative Branch

Judicial Branch

Executive Branch

Boards and Commissions







Maryland State and Local Government

State Home Page

Local City and State Resources

Statewide Offices

Legislative Branch

Judicial Branch

Executive Branch

Boards and Commissions







Massachusetts State and Local Government

State Home Page

Local City and State Resources

Statewide Offices

Legislative Branch

Judicial Branch

Executive Branch

Boards and Commissions







Michigan State and Local Government

State Home Page

State Directory

Local City and State Resources

Statewide Offices

Legislative Branch

Judicial Branch

Executive Branch

Boards and Commissions







Minnesota State and Local Government

State Home Page

State Directory

Local City and State Resources

Statewide Offices

Legislative Branch

Judicial Branch

Executive Branch

Boards and Commissions







Mississippi State and Local Government

State Home Page

Local City and State Resources

Statewide Offices

Legislative Branch

Judicial Branch

Executive Branch

Boards and Commissions






Missouri State and Local Government

State Home Page

State Directory

Local City and State Resources

Statewide Offices

Legislative Branch

Judicial Branch

Executive Branch

Boards and Commissions







Montana State and Local Government

State Home Page

State Directory

State Portal

Local City and State Resources

Statewide Offices

Legislative Branch

Judicial Branch

Executive Branch

Boards and Commissions






Nebraska State and Local Government

State Home Page

State Directory

Local City and State Resources

Statewide Offices

Legislative Branch

Judicial Branch

Executive Branch

Boards and Commissions






Nevada State and Local Government

State Home Page

State Directory

Local City and State Resources

Statewide Offices

Legislative Branch

Judicial Branch

Executive Branch

Boards and Commissions







New Hampshire State and Local Government

State Home Page

Local City and State Resources

Statewide Offices

Legislative Branch

Judicial Branch

Executive Branch

Boards and Commissions





New Jersey State and Local Government

State Home Page

State Directory

Local City and State Resources

Statewide Offices

Legislative Branch

Judicial Branch

Executive Branch

Boards and Commissions





New Mexico State and Local Government

State Home Page

State Directory

Local City and State Resources

Statewide Offices

Legislative Branch

Judicial Branch

Executive Branch

Boards and Commissions






New York State and Local Government

State Home Page

State Directory

Local City and State Resources

Statewide Offices

Legislative Branch

Judicial Branch

Executive Branch

Boards and Commissions







North Carolina State and Local Government

State Home Page

State Directory

Local City and State Resources

Statewide Offices

Legislative Branch

Judicial Branch

Executive Branch

Boards and Commissions







North Dakota State and Local Government

State Home Page

State Directory

Local City and State Resources

Statewide Offices

Legislative Branch

Judicial Branch

Executive Branch

Boards and Commissions






Ohio State and Local Government

State Home Page

State Portal

Local City and State Resources

Statewide Offices

Legislative Branch

Judicial Branch

Executive Branch

Boards and Commissions






Oklahoma State and Local Government

State Home Page

Local City and State Resources

Statewide Offices

Legislative Branch

Judicial Branch

Executive Branch

Boards and Commissions





Oregon State and Local Government

State Home Page

Local City and State Resources

Statewide Offices

Legislative Branch

Judicial Branch

Executive Branch

Boards and Commissions






Pennsylvania State and Local Government

State Home Page

Local City and State Resources

Statewide Offices

Legislative Branch

Judicial Branch

Executive Branch

Boards and Commissions






Rhode Island State and Local Government

State Home Page

State Directory

Local City and State Resources

Statewide Offices

Legislative Branch

Judicial Branch

Executive Branch

Boards and Commissions




South Carolina State and Local Government

State Home Page

State Directory

Local City and State Resources

Statewide Offices

Legislative Branch

Judicial Branch

Executive Branch

Boards and Commissions






South Dakota State and Local Government

State Home Page

State Directory

Local City and State Resources

Statewide Offices

Legislative Branch

Judicial Branch

Executive Branch

Boards and Commissions





Tennessee State and Local Government

State Home Page

State Directory

Local City and State Resources

Statewide Offices

Legislative Branch

Judicial Branch

Executive Branch

Boards and Commissions





Texas State and Local Government

State Home Page

Local City and State Resources

Statewide Offices

Legislative Branch

Judicial Branch

Executive Branch

Boards and Commissions







Utah State and Local Government

State Home Page

State Directory

State Portal

Local City and State Resources

Statewide Offices

Legislative Branch

Judicial Branch

Executive Branch

Boards and Commissions






Vermont State and Local Government

State Home Page

State Directory

Statewide Offices

Legislative Branch

Judicial Branch

Executive Branch

Boards and Commissions






Virginia State and Local Government

State Home Page

State Directory

State Portal

Local City and State Resources

Statewide Offices

Legislative Branch

Judicial Branch

Executive Branch

Boards and Commissions






Washington State and Local Government

State Home Page

State Directory

Local City and State Resources

Statewide Offices

Legislative Branch

Judicial Branch

Executive Branch

Boards and Commissions






West Virginia State and Local Government

State Home Page

State Directory

Local City and State Resources

Statewide Offices

Legislative Branch

Judicial Branch

Executive Branch

Boards and Commissions






Wisconsin State and Local Government

State Home Page

State Directory

Local City and State Resources

Statewide Offices

Legislative Branch

Judicial Branch

Executive Branch

Boards and Commissions





Wyoming State and Local Government

State Home Page

Local City and State Resources

Statewide Offices

Legislative Branch

Judicial Branch

Executive Branch

Boards and Commissions





District of Columbia State and Local Government

State Home Page

Local City and State Resources

Legislative Branch

Judicial Branch

Executive Branch

Boards and Commissions


Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments

National Capital Planning Commission

Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority

Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority




One other point I’d like to emphasize is counties almost always have separate Sheriff’s Departments that list job openings not available on the main county site. Be as thorough as possible.

Here is a Comprehensive List of Sheriff’s Departments by State.



In terms of your search, look at all of these: federal government jobs, state government jobs, and jobs at the county and city level. Exhaust all of your options. If you do that, you’ll be in good shape.

TRAIL page

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About Harrison Barnes

Harrison Barnes is the Founder of BCG Attorney Search and a successful legal recruiter himself. Harrison is extremely committed to and passionate about the profession of legal placement. His firm BCG Attorney Search has placed thousands of attorneys. BCG Attorney Search works with attorneys to dramatically improve their careers by leaving no stone unturned in a search and bringing out the very best in them. Harrison has placed the leaders of the nation’s top law firms, and countless associates who have gone on to lead the nation’s top law firms. There are very few firms Harrison has not made placements with. Harrison’s writings about attorney careers and placements attract millions of reads each year. He coaches and consults with law firms about how to dramatically improve their recruiting and retention efforts. His company LawCrossing has been ranked on the Inc. 500 twice. For more information, please visit Harrison Barnes’ bio.

About BCG Attorney Search

BCG Attorney Search matches attorneys and law firms with unparalleled expertise and drive that gets results. Known globally for its success in locating and placing attorneys in law firms of all sizes, BCG Attorney Search has placed thousands of attorneys in law firms in thousands of different law firms around the country. Unlike other legal placement firms, BCG Attorney Search brings massive resources of over 150 employees to its placement efforts locating positions and opportunities that its competitors simply cannot. Every legal recruiter at BCG Attorney Search is a former successful attorney who attended a top law school, worked in top law firms and brought massive drive and commitment to their work. BCG Attorney Search legal recruiters take your legal career seriously and understand attorneys. For more information, please visit www.BCGSearch.com.

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