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You Need to Delay Gratification

Harrison Barnes
By Jan 28,2024
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In this article Harrison explains how long-term enjoyment of life requires that we delay gratification until a later time. The most successful people in the world show the ability to delay gratification. Failure is the result of not delaying gratification. Not facing problems is something related to our ability to delay gratification. One of the most important things we can do is to confront a problem early. Ignoring problems is a simple expression of the unwillingness to delay gratification. Our problems will not disappear. The problems that we need to confront are a barrier to our future growth. It is in your best interest to delay gratification. The people who delay gratification are found to experience the most success in their careers and lives.

When I was around 14 years old, I moved in with my father after living with my mother for my entire childhood. Although I was an outstanding student in elementary school, once I got into middle school there were lots of fun things to do. This included taking my parents’ cars out at night without a license, and riding around on bikes through the neighborhood with other kids. If it was too cold outside, I could always watch television, play video games, or make other trouble indoors.

While I had been a very good student in elementary school, once I got into middle school, I was on a downward spiral for several years because there were so many fun things for me to do. My troubles resulted in me getting kicked out of a private middle school and earning a 2.0 GPA my freshman year of high school.

There are lots of reasons I had so many troubles, but when it came right down to it, the biggest was that when I was living with my mother, I had no discipline. For me, the most important thing was to enjoy myself at all costs.

I enjoyed watching television more than studying, so I did that.

I enjoyed playing video games more than studying, so I did that.

At school I enjoyed cutting class more than going to class, so I did that.

In fact, I did whatever I wanted in my search for enjoyment. I remember at the time seeing kids I grew up with whose lives moved in different directions. These kids would study at night, go right home from school to do homework, and pay attention in class. I also remember at the time the kids I was associating with all loved to make fun of these same kids, whether it was in class or elsewhere. It was absurd to me that these kids were working so hard.

When I moved in with my father, he was appalled by my grades and scholastic performance, as was I. His first order of business was to make sure I studied for a set number of hours each night. From 7:00 pm until 10:00 pm, I was forced to stay in my room and study. For over a year, this did little good. I distracted myself with other things besides studying. I would call friends on the phone and chat. I would call girls in school and chat. I would do everything I could to enjoy myself instead of studying. In 1985, our family moved to Bangkok, Thailand, where I had no friends and I was again forced to study between 7:00pm and 10:00 pm. Because it was impossible for me to sneak out of our high rise, I had no phone in my room, and no television to watch. I started studying every single evening. Within weeks, my grades miraculously improved and my life was on a different path.

When we look at the people who are most successful in the world and their jobs, one of the most common themes to emerge is they can delay gratification. Every single one of us is interested in enjoying life to the maximum extent possible. However, we need to realize long-term enjoyment of life may require that we delay gratification until a later time. In my case, this meant it was important for me to consistently do schoolwork before other things. Delaying gratification as an adolescent is also something that sets our lives up for significant success in the future. Scott Peck, in The Road Less Traveled, writes:

While many have a well-developed capacity to delay gratification, some fifteen- or sixteen-year-olds seem to have hardly developed any capacity at all; indeed, some seem even to lack the capacity entirely. These are the problem students. Despite average or better intelligence, their grades are poor simply because they do not work. They skip classes or skip school entirely on the whim of the moment. They are impulsive, and their impulsiveness spills over into their social life as well. They get into frequent fights; they become involved with drugs; they begin to get involved with the police. ‘Play now, pay later’ is their motto. So the psychologists and psychotherapists are called in, but most of the time it seems too late. These adolescents are resentful of any attempt to intervene in their lifestyle of impulsiveness. Even when this resentment can be overcome by warmth and friendliness and a nonjudgmental attitude on the part of the therapist, their impulsiveness is often so severe it precludes their participation in the process of psychotherapy in any meaningful way. They miss their appointments. They avoid all important and painful issues. So usually the attempt at intervention fails, and these children drop out of school, only to continue a pattern of failure that frequently lands them in disastrous marriages, in accidents, in psychiatric hospitals or in jail.

The difference between success and failure in many of our lives comes down to our ability to delay gratification. This is what changed my life, and it’s also what can make a difference in your life and career as well. Failure is the result of not delaying gratification. Our lives change when we begin to focus on how we can create long-term results by delaying gratification.

People often become addicted to drugs and alcohol due to their inability to delay gratification. Faced with a decision between instant enjoyment and dealing with pain, people often choose substances. We do the same thing with our problems. If we have an issue we do not want to face, we may ignore it because facing it would be too difficult for us. For example, if we dislike our jobs, we may not face it because to face it would mean we need to look for a different career and give up the daily security of a paycheck, or where we live. But when we delay gratification, we are setting ourselves up for better lives and careers.

Not facing problems is something related to our ability to delay gratification. One of the most important things we can do is to confront a problem early. Recently I was reading about what happens to people psychologically when they lose money in the stock market. One of the questions I have always asked myself is how people who own a stock often hold on while the stock goes from, say, $1,000 to $2. This is an incredibly common occurrence and an investor often holds on for months and months while the stock slowly declines to almost nothing. Here is how an investor often thinks while this is occurring:

  1. Purchases Stock at $500
    “I’ll sell as soon as the stock gains or loses 10%.”
  2. Stock goes to $700
    “This is great. I’m going to hold on to this stock for awhile.” Does not sell.
  3. Stock goes to $1000
    “I’m never going to sell this one.” Does not sell.
  4. Stock falls to $700
    “I’ve still made money. This is still a good stock.” Does not sell
  5. Stock falls to $500
    “I’m still even.” Does not sell.
  6. Stock falls to $300
    “I’ll sell when it gets back to $500.” Does not sell.
  7. Stock falls to $100.
    “I told myself I would sell if it lost 10%. I’ll sell when it goes to $450.” Does not sell.
  8. Stock falls to $10.
    “I’ll sell when it gets back to $100.” Does not sell.
  9. Stock falls to $5.
    “I’ll sell when it gets back to $10. Does not sell.
  10. Stock falls to $2.
    “I’ll sell when it gets back to $5. Does not sell.

This may not seem like it’s related to delaying gratification, but avoiding pain until a later date is another manifestation of seeking instant gratification. This entire psychology is extremely common and illustrates how most fortunes are lost in the stock market. When the stock starts going down people do not want to face the immediate pain that they have lost money, so they hold off selling the stock under the hope it will go up in value again. Instead, this aversion to pain continually keeps the person on the edge and they refuse to confront the fact that they have lost money. By not confronting the issue the investors lose even more money. Ignoring problems is a simple expression of the inability or unwillingness to delay gratification. To confront a problem like a massive stock market loss is painful. To confront a problem early on before being forced by circumstances to confront it means to ignore something less painful for something more painful. This is the choice between suffering right now versus present gratification, with the possibility that future suffering won’t be necessary. Our problems will not disappear. The problems we need to confront are a barrier to our future growth.

This is the reason so many people stay in careers and jobs they do not enjoy. One reason people do not sacrifice to get higher degrees is because they want to avoid immediate suffering, although the education they would receive would likely produce long-term gains. Most of the people who are very wealthy have the power to delay gratification. Albert Einstein wrote that “The most powerful force in the universe is compound interest.” When we save money, we are delaying the gratification we would get from spending the money. Many of the wealthiest people in the world know delaying gratification is the key to their success. I recently finished reading a book about Warren Buffett that asserted one of the main reasons for his wealth is he never sells a stock even after it has increased in value. This means he is not paying taxes on capital gains and the money he would have paid in capital gains keeps working for him. This is an example of delaying gratification.

We act mostly out of a desire to avoid pain and gain pleasure. When we procrastinate, we do this because we experience less pain from not acting than we do from acting. For example, if we are interested in meeting someone, we may not introduce ourselves because we are worried we will be rejected. A better attitude might be to do everything we can to meet that person because he or she could become a lifetime friend or mate. This would be far more valuable to us than the pain of a short brush-off could ever be. The same can be said of dentist trips and doctor visits. We know that the short-term pain of seeing the dentist can prevent a much larger problem later. Few people think this way, however, because the desire to avoid pain is so strong. The need to avoid pain is much greater than the desire to gain pleasure.

Everything we do in our life is a push and a pull between long-term and short-term rewards. One saying I like is “You can pay now or you can pay later. If you pay later, it is always going to be more expensive.” It is always better we pay now. Paying now is something that is in our best interest. When you are confronted with choosing between delaying gratification and not delaying gratification for long-term rewards, you are almost always better off delaying gratification. The people who delay gratification are most often the people who experience the most success in their careers and lives.

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About Harrison Barnes

Harrison Barnes is the Founder of BCG Attorney Search and a successful legal recruiter himself. Harrison is extremely committed to and passionate about the profession of legal placement. His firm BCG Attorney Search has placed thousands of attorneys. BCG Attorney Search works with attorneys to dramatically improve their careers by leaving no stone unturned in a search and bringing out the very best in them. Harrison has placed the leaders of the nation’s top law firms, and countless associates who have gone on to lead the nation’s top law firms. There are very few firms Harrison has not made placements with. Harrison’s writings about attorney careers and placements attract millions of reads each year. He coaches and consults with law firms about how to dramatically improve their recruiting and retention efforts. His company LawCrossing has been ranked on the Inc. 500 twice. For more information, please visit Harrison Barnes’ bio.

About BCG Attorney Search

BCG Attorney Search matches attorneys and law firms with unparalleled expertise and drive that gets results. Known globally for its success in locating and placing attorneys in law firms of all sizes, BCG Attorney Search has placed thousands of attorneys in law firms in thousands of different law firms around the country. Unlike other legal placement firms, BCG Attorney Search brings massive resources of over 150 employees to its placement efforts locating positions and opportunities that its competitors simply cannot. Every legal recruiter at BCG Attorney Search is a former successful attorney who attended a top law school, worked in top law firms and brought massive drive and commitment to their work. BCG Attorney Search legal recruiters take your legal career seriously and understand attorneys. For more information, please visit www.BCGSearch.com.

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23 Responses to “ You Need to Delay Gratification”
  1. Avatar Richard says:

    I learned a lot from this article. Thank you.

  2. Avatar Person says:

    Thank you for this article I really like the part about relationships.

  3. Avatar dhhtfh says:

    Thank you for this.This will help much in practical world

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  5. Avatar hjhkuk says:

    Really a nice one.very helpful for everyone

  6. Avatar olivia says:

    Don’t delay for anything..and don’t wait for anything…u can take step and acheiving ur goals…I like this sentence very much…Thank for the site..

  7. I have never look at it in this way…I work for human resources and have noticed that when employee’s are debating what benefits they need they often pass up life insurances and disability benefits. These benefits are often overlooked because at the time the employee is healthy and not in need. the tend to get benefits that they can utilize now like medical and dental. I often wondered if it was because they were afraid to think of getting sick or death. But I think a lot has to do with paying for something that can’t be used at the moment. I realized this when I asked a couple of employee’s why they were not investing into their 401K, I explain to them that the company was giving a match it was free money that they could get if they signed up…and their responses always seemed to be yeah I will next year, they were more concerned with getting a full pay now then investing in the future…

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  9. Avatar Tanmoy Saha says:

    I learned a lot from this article.I really like the part about relationships. Thank you.

  10. Avatar Tanmoy Saha says:

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  11. Avatar dfhdfhdfhdyh says:

    This is a wonderful article .Thanks for this wonderful article.
    very helpful for everyone.

  12. Avatar Gaurav says:

    The idea of delaying gratification for a better tomorrow is a very sound one. But, unfortunately, it is unlikely to find many takers in today’s world where the prevalent trend is to enjoy the present in the fullest and leave the future to take care of itself. Nevertheless, the writer deserves kudos for giving out such a priceless advice to youngsters.

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  18. Avatar Razib Hasan says:

    This is a fine article.i learnt a lot from this article and i think this will be much helpful for job seekers.

  19. Avatar jahirul says:

    The concept of delaying gratification for a bright future is a very sound one.A lot of idea has been gained from this post.Thank you for this post which will greatly helpful to the job seekers. But, unfortunately, it is unlikely to find many takers in today’s world where the prevalent trend is to enjoy the present in the fullest and leave the future to take care of itself.

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