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When I was about 12 years old my stepfather was dying of cancer. The cancer had spread so far in his body there was nothing the doctors could really do anymore. They had already completed several operations, which had removed a lot of the cancer, but this didn’t seem to matter. My stepfather had undergone chemotherapy, and although he was just in his early 40s he no longer had any hair. Every few hours he would have a bout of throwing up, which would last several minutes. He was doing the best he could to make the most of his remaining days on earth.
Because he was so sick, I was spending most of my time with him and my mother. One evening we drove an hour outside of Detroit to see a doctor who was going to sell my stepfather a potion, which he represented would cure the cancer. I remember that the potion was a few thousand dollars at the time, and my parents had to scrape for several days to get the money; however, the potion offered hope. We went out to a farmhouse in the middle of a large field, and inside, a doctor had set up all sorts of test tubes. He seemed to be in the midst of a giant medical experiment that went from his garage to his kitchen to his living room. Whatever he was doing, he seemed very serious about it.
Before the purchase was completed, my parents sat down with the doctor and his wife, and the doctor told various stories about the miracles that the potion had produced, how it turned around the cancer of various individuals. I was enthusiastic that the potion might do something for my stepfather; however, at the same time I was old enough to understand that this probably would not do the trick. Something about it just did not seem right. After some time my parents gave the man their money. He went into the kitchen and took out several glass jars of the material that he had made, put it into a grocery bag, and sent us on our way.
Within a few months my stepfather was in the hospital for the last time, where he would ultimately succumb to the cancer. The potion obviously did not work. A few weeks before he finally died my mom came home one evening and told me that the most miraculous thing had happened. She said some people from the church had brought over a small piece of the cross that Jesus died on–it was no larger than a sliver of wood–and that this might cure my stepfather. She told me very briefly that this piece of the cross had apparently cured many people and that we were incredibly lucky to have been allowed to use it until my stepfather got well.
My stepfather never got better. A few weeks later he died.
In thinking back on this episode, what occurs to me is that everywhere around us, no matter what the situation, we are all looking for hope. The man who sold my parents the potion was offering hope. We need never look far to find someone who is offering us hope–hope that our future can look and be different from the way it is now.
A couple of months ago I was in the airport and I could not find anything to read. I was preparing for a fairly long flight and the only book I could find that looked half interesting was Kevin Trudeau’s Natural Cures They Do Not Want You to Know About. I have been around the block quite a bit and even I was astonished about a particular topic covered by the book, which “they” understandably do not want you to know about: energetic rebalancing. Trudeau writes:
Frequency generators have been around for decades. Royal Rife was using frequencies in the 1920s and 1930s to cure cancer. Today there are several machines using frequencies to balance out a person’s energy, thus eliminating the energetic frequency of the imbalance or disease. When the frequency of the disease you have has been neutralized, the disease goes away. These machines include the Intero, Vegatest, Dermatron, and others. The most advanced technology that I know of is used by a man who treats many well-known celebrities. His technology is so advanced that, no matter where you are in the world, he can have his computerized frequency machine monitoring you twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, constantly balancing the energetic frequencies in your body. I personally have been using the technology for the last seven years, and I have never in that time been sick. When everyone around me had a serious cold, I got the sniffles for about two hours. When all my friends got the flu, I never experienced a single symptom. I highly recommend you read the book Sanctuary to get the full story on this revolutionary technology. Here’s what some others have to say about this program.
Dr. Wayne Dyer, bestselling author of Wisdom of the Ages; lecturer; spiritual teacher:
“In regard to Stephen Lewis, EMC², and the AIM Program: Everything is energy. Everything and everyone has a frequency. Those frequencies that are out of balance with our natural harmony can be identified and removed. I know this to be true. I have seen the Sanctuary process at work. I practice it daily. My entire family participates in the AIM Program, and I have seen wonderful results. This is real, it is transforming, it is true healing, and it is a giant step into the inevitable future where each of us is our own personal, transcendental, and totally enlightened healer. I have found that in my higher self, and so can you. It is available now.”
Linda Gray, actress, Goodwill Ambassador on Women’s Issues to the United Nations:
“I have used this technology for years. It is the most glorious gift that anyone could receive.”
Courteney Cox Arquette, actress:
“I’ve been fortunate enough to have participated in Energetic Balancing for over three years. I don’t know what I would do without it. I don’t believe anyone can afford not to be part of it.”
Now, when I initially read this my thought was that there was probably nothing wrong with this concept of “energetic rebalancing,” and that there is potentially a lot of truth to the practice. For example, I have been in yoga classes before wherein the instructor spoke about “energy,” and I certainly have felt a lot of energy after a yoga class. Moreover, I believe that energy is all around us and in this respect what I was reading sounded perfectly sensible. I have no idea who this Kevin Trudeau guy is; however, if energetic rebalancing is getting the thumbs-up from the likes of Courteney Cox I figured there must be some truth to it.
I did further research on the practice and tracked down the AIM program on the Web. In order to learn more about how to participate in the practice, the website required that I fill out a form online and sign up to receive more information. I was perfectly fine with the concept of energetic rebalancing and was very eager to learn more about it. When the material arrived in the mail I could scarcely believe what I was reading. Apparently the program involves sending the company a copy of your photograph and $1,000. Your picture is then placed on a tray that is connected to a computer somewhere, which sends out frequencies to your picture, supposedly creating all sorts of incredible life improvements for you.
Here is some information from the literature I received:
EMC² performs an initial life force check from your photo. Your facilitator will inform you of the results of the life force check. We place your pictures on the trays which deliver the balancing frequencies.
You immediately begin receiving balancing frequencies which assist in your self-healing.
A letter I received with the material reads:
EMC² does not diagnose, treat, prevent or cure disease. Instead, we provide balancing energies which help to remove your energetic imbalances. Energetic imbalances cause blockages in the flow of “life force.” Blocking the flow of “life force” manifests as difficulties. When you remove your energetic imbalances, you can use your “life force” to create well-being in every area of your life.
More than 40,000 people around the world have personally experienced the extraordinary benefits of the AIM Program of Energetic Balancing. Many have reported amazing changes in their sense of well-being, their ability to enjoy life more fully, to adapt to change, to think more clearly, love more deeply and release unproductive and uncomfortable patterns in their lives. Enroll today to begin your own success story!
Thank you for the opportunity to minister to your energetic needs.
Whether or not this is true is not my interest to discover; however, what I do know is that there are an incredible number of people out there to whom others will gladly give money in exchange for a promise of hope. Note in the disclaimer offered above by EMC², there is no promise of results; there is only a promise of hope to obtain the desired results. All around us there are various people offering hope in one form or another. Some may be honest and some may be deceitful. Some salespeople will say practically anything to offer us hope, and this is indicative of how important hope is to us.
I had another run-in with “energetic balancing” at a seminar a couple of months ago. A man with a giant watch that must have cost him $40,000 was selling something called the QLink for hundreds of dollars. The QLink is a copper wire surrounding a metallic wafer. According to the company website:
In 1994, the National Institutes of Health in the United States adopted a new term – biofield – to describe a growing body of research showing a subtle field that permeates and extends beyond the physical body. The biofield is something you’ve probably already noticed: a vital force that animates our bodies and powers our daily lives. When our biofield is out of balance, we’re out of balance. Disease, fatigue, and apathy all reflect a compromised biofield. When something improves our biofield, such as the Q-Link, it can increase our mental and physical performance, reinforce our natural immunity to stress and enhance our sense of well-being.
Every day, our biofields are negatively impacted by flickering computer monitors, irate bosses, cell phones, emotional stress, tabloid television, and traffic jams. We are literally bombarded with frequencies that wear us down. That’s why it is essential to recharge.
Each of us wants hope–whether it is for the curing of a disease or for a better life or something else. The most successful promoters out there in every field are those who offer hope in some form. People imply that using a product or service will provide a future benefit. In most cases, the benefit that people are going to receive is not something that is 100% assured–it is only a possibility or a hope. For example, when you purchase a car or an oven, you know exactly what you are getting. For products or services offering hope, however, you are generally only receiving an implied benefit, and the promise that the product or service will, in conjunction with some applied effort on your part, make you a different person tomorrow from who you are today.
Several years ago a coworker and I went to see a fortune-teller in Washington, DC. The most interesting part of seeing the fortune-teller was that she offered to burn incense and all sorts of things for me after I left, in order to help me. She stated that this would really change my life. This was the fortune-teller’s way of offering hope. People go for this sort of thing all the time and they have probably have been giving fortune-tellers money for thousands of years, all because a fortune-teller gives hope that something in a person’s life will change.
What does this have to do with your career? One of the most important things you can understand when you are interviewing with a prospective employer and looking for a job in general is that you need to give your employer hope. You also should do this with your employer while you are employed. The offer to an employer of hope is a very powerful commodity, and it can make a gigantic impact on your success or failure.
When I am interviewing people I am always interested in what happened with their last job and the job before that. There are a lot of people who have been in the working world for 30 years or more, who have had multiple jobs, and seemingly every company they ever worked for went out of business. It is a common story that I have come across numerous times in interviews. While it may be a mere string of coincidences that the past ten companies where the person worked went out of business, for me I generally do not need to hear any more. Frankly, it scares the heck out of me. Whatever it is that is happening with such persons, they do not come prepackaged with hope. There is something different that they are bringing to the table, in my opinion. These persons may scare away potential employers because there is an unwritten assumption that they may have done something to cause the issues at their previous companies.
Conversely, there are people who have had several jobs where, each time they joined a company, the company thrived. This is an example of a person who offers a tremendous amount of hope to new employers because there is another unwritten assumption that this person may have done something to assist with the massive growth and success of his or her previous companies.
Your job is to offer hope to any employer or prospective employer–hope that by hiring you their company will improve, that you will make their job much easier, and that you will bring them good luck and success. People who purchase energetic rebalancing, wear QLinks, buy miracle potions for cancer, and so forth are all looking for hope and a bit of good luck. So create a perception of yourself as someone who brings good luck and hope. You want it to be implied that good things will come to the employer who hires you. Your presence should mean something to your employer, which will distinguish you from all other employees or prospective hires.
I have often thought about Barbara Bush from the perspective that I wonder what difference the influence of a woman like her made on her family. Her husband became the president of the United States, her son became president of the United States, and another son of hers became governor of Florida. Now, if she were much younger and let’s say hypothetically you were interviewing her to be a mother or wife, wouldn’t you think that she offered hope? And wouldn’t she be a top candidate based on the successes of the people she has been previously associated with? Of course she would. She would offer a lot of hope.
In Los Angeles there is a huge industry of assistants and others who work for stars doing various tasks. They also typically change jobs between stars. The pecking order among assistants typically involves working for the most successful stars and being with them while they are having successful careers. If the star starts to have problems that are high profile, these assistants often start looking for new jobs. They want to be associated with the star’s success–not failure.
When you walk into any health-food store, you will see a variety of ways that hope is bottled and sold. All sorts of roots and other concoctions are promoted as being able to help you change your life. Tim Ferriss, the author of the bestselling book The Four-Hour Workweek, basically sold a vitamin he claimed would speed up your brain (the product is called “Brain Quicker”), which is how he was able to ostensibly work four hours a week. You too might be able to work four hours a week if you sold hope.
Your candidacy, in the eyes of employers, needs to allude to the fact that you will bring great things to the employer, without actually overtly stating this. Whatever you say you did for your previous employers and however you helped them will be taken as a possibility for your future employer as well.
One of the most fascinating things for me when I go to New York is watching people on the street. All of them are always rushing, usually with a look of pain or fear on their faces as they rush about. Where are all these people going? They are rushing toward another moment: the future. In fact, most people are constantly rushing toward the future and never slow down or stop. They are more concerned with being somewhere besides where they are. They have hope of arriving at a future that is different from and in some ways better than where they are right now.
You need to offer hope to your employer, potential employer, and all those around you. Then watch the future unfold.
About Harrison Barnes
Harrison Barnes is the Founder of BCG Attorney Search and a successful legal recruiter himself. Harrison is extremely committed to and passionate about the profession of legal placement. His firm BCG Attorney Search has placed thousands of attorneys. BCG Attorney Search works with attorneys to dramatically improve their careers by leaving no stone unturned in a search and bringing out the very best in them. Harrison has placed the leaders of the nation’s top law firms, and countless associates who have gone on to lead the nation’s top law firms. There are very few firms Harrison has not made placements with. Harrison’s writings about attorney careers and placements attract millions of reads each year. He coaches and consults with law firms about how to dramatically improve their recruiting and retention efforts. His company LawCrossing has been ranked on the Inc. 500 twice. For more information, please visit Harrison Barnes’ bio.
About BCG Attorney Search
BCG Attorney Search matches attorneys and law firms with unparalleled expertise and drive that gets results. Known globally for its success in locating and placing attorneys in law firms of all sizes, BCG Attorney Search has placed thousands of attorneys in law firms in thousands of different law firms around the country. Unlike other legal placement firms, BCG Attorney Search brings massive resources of over 150 employees to its placement efforts locating positions and opportunities that its competitors simply cannot. Every legal recruiter at BCG Attorney Search is a former successful attorney who attended a top law school, worked in top law firms and brought massive drive and commitment to their work. BCG Attorney Search legal recruiters take your legal career seriously and understand attorneys. For more information, please visit
Filed Under : Advancement, Featured
Tagged: apply for a job, career advice, employer hope, energetic balancing, job search, job search guru | a harrison barnes, job search industry, legal jobs, legal profession, potential employer, unwritten assumption
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In this article Harrison discusses the role of self-motivation and self management. Self-motivated and self managed people always perform well. In contrast people who are forced to follow massive amounts of procedures and rules can never perform. It is important that our rituals and sense of responsibility is internal, and something we learn to do naturally–not something we only do when it is imposed on us by people on the outside. The best people in every job are self- managed and responsible individuals. Also, the more self-managed people there are working for an organization, the stronger the organization generally is. Instead of creating problems in the workplace, you should seek out responsibilities, and ritualize your work routine. These responsibilities will drive you forward in your daily work, in your career, and in your life.
Your must always strive to create value for your organization, and your organization must in turn strive to add value to the world. Since value comes from teams of individuals rather than any single person, the best companies strive to maximize their staffs’ efficiency. You must also ensure that your company weeds out the employees who do not create value in favor of those who do, and that you belong to the latter group.
When you try to mask or suppress aspects of your personality, those traits will inevitably come to the fore anyway. You need to develop a comprehensive understanding of yourself, including your darker or deeply buried traits; once you know how your dark side limits and controls you, the better you will do in your life and career. Self-discovery will ultimately lead to inner peace, which in turn will enable you to more fully develop your goals.
The number one thing that makes people fail and not reach their potential is competition. If get into an area where there is not much competition and you genuinely have something to offer, you will succeed. Everyone is successful to the extent they are doing something others around them are not that provides value.
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You can never become too comfortable if you wish to be successful. Your success will largely depend on your ability to become dissatisfied with your current position. Successful people are never satisfied with the status quo, and constantly push beyond their comfort zone. When do you this and succeed, you set a new standard for normality in your life. Be continually dissatisfied, and always pushing yourself beyond your comfort zone.
Resourcefulness can make you better at everything you do, and separates the truly extraordinary people from the general herd. Do everything within your power to be resourceful in your job search, life, and career to give yourself the best possible chance of achieving your goals, and learn how to employ the resources currently at your disposal for maximum impact.
Adopting a positive attitude will always bring you closer to success, as nobody wants to be associated with a losing side. Everyone wants to associate with and hire winners, and avoids losers. Nothing is more important than maintaining a positive attitude, as many employers hire people based primarily on attitude; with the right attitude, everything else will fall into place. You must look like you are on the winning team, even if times are tough; nobody wants to hire a loser.
You can change your life forever by harnessing the power of persistence. Think about the people in your life, and whether they empower you or hinder you in achieving your goals. You must win at all costs, and persist until you succeed.
You will greatly benefit your career by helping and promoting your company’s expansion. A common belief is that expansion is fundamentally positive, and a lack of expansion is fundamentally negative. You must be on the side of expansion rather than contraction in every area of your life. All employers seek people who will help them expand, and the more your ability to contribute to this expansion will provide you increased job security and a greater likelihood of being hired.
Focus on what you are doing, not what others around you are doing. There are people to take action towards their goals, and then there people who sit on the sidelines and comment on the first group of people. People who are mostly interested in gossip and watching others usually lack the confidence and determination to take action themselves. The most successful people go account and accomplish things rather than sit back and watch others make things happen.
Anyone can be up when things are going well, but the real challenge comes when things are not. Do not look at problems, which are inevitable for any person or business, in a negative light; think of them instead as challenges, lessons, or opportunities. There is a silver lining to be found in every problem, and finding that silver lining will enable you to grow.
It is absolutely vital to be in control of your life and career. When you fail to control your life, someone else will step in to do so and fit your life into their plans. Understand that it is in others’ interests to establish control over your life and work, and instead exert control yourself over your life and the events around you.
In this article Harrison explains how you can do better in your career by selling. The most successful people are absolute masters at sales. Selling is among the most important career skills you can have. When you know how to sell something you can do exceptionally well wherever you go. Knowing how to sell something is a key to survival, advancement, fame, and fortune. Everything we do is about making a sale. Selling yourself is about showing others the value you can bring them. So package yourself to the best of your ability, always be at your best and sell yourself. Develop your sales skills and do not be afraid to sell anything. Whatever your goal in life, becoming an effective salesman will help you achieve it.
Your résumé is an extremely important document. There are entire books written about how to craft them. I have written at least one myself. There are scores of résumé consultants, companies, and others that will work on your résumé for a fee. Hiring one of these services can be useful and can improve your résumé. Nevertheless, most résumés can improve dramatically by following the below advice.
It is extremely important that you enjoy your job. Most people find themselves in jobs that they resent, and eventually make this resentment known by appearing disinterested and distracted. Success comes from being engaged in and grateful for your work. You can define your job according to your own vision; you can either choose to engage with your work, or avoid and despise what you do. People recognize and appreciate those who are enthusiastic about their work.
Do not be a dabbler, or someone who turns away in the face of stress; the secret to long-term happiness is to instead confront and push through these stress factors. Do not be discouraged by difficulties, but find ways to persist and deal with the stress. Confronting problems head-on is the key to improvement, and will take you much further than the dabblers who fail to approach their careers with commitment.
When faced with difficult times, you must develop the ability to transcend the trouble around you instead of giving up or assuming that nothing can be done about your situation. Keep your wits about you and take charge of the situation, and you will find yourself on track for constant improvement and career success.
In this article Harrison talks about releasing the lack that you feel, in order to reach your full potential. If a sense of lack dominates your thinking, it will affect your interaction with the world and how the world sees you. There are many areas of your life where you are coming from a position of lack. Your ability to release this lack and go forward with your life can create a tremendous sense of peace and more natural accomplishments in your world. The amount of lack that people see out there is profound and it has a massive impact on their lives. According to Harrison, the most successful people in the world see the world as a place of opportunity and not lack.
Determine whether you are a global or specific person. Most people are either too general or too specific in the way they treat information, and overly detail-oriented people risk losing sight of the bigger picture. General people are more comfortable in managerial positions, while detail-oriented people prefer everything to conform to a logical sequence. Understand which sort of person you are, and seek work that best harnesses your natural inclination.
Recent immigrants exemplify the benefits of willpower, passion, and excitement in the way that they work so much harder for their goals than the people who have been here for most or all of their lives. Like most Americans, you need to rekindle the spirit of your immigrant ancestors and become hungry for what you want. The entrepreneurial spirit that brought people to America has often faded over time; adopt the fire and work ethic of new immigrants in order to achieve your goals.
You must plant seeds in the minds of others, so that they will be more likely than otherwise to think of you when a future need arises. In planting seeds, you are making people aware of what you have to offer; you must make sure that you are ever present in the minds of your potential employers. Planting seeds is the most effective way to generate top-of-mind awareness, and ensure that the right people remember you at the appropriate time.
A recommendation from a powerful person can make a huge difference in your job search; a reference from an influential person makes a tremendous difference to a prospective employer, and thus can be a major advantage for you. When an important person whom the company trusts recommends you, you instantly qualify for positions that may previously have been unattainable. Make the absolute most of your connections with the powerful people in your life, because doing so can instantaneously change your career and life.
Maintaining a routine in both life and work is important to success. Not only do you need to establish a routine, you must make that routine demanding and push yourself to the limit. Budget a certain amount of time each week for networking, applying to jobs, brushing up your interview skills, and following up with employers. Such consistent effort on a daily basis will make a huge difference to your career success.
You can better market yourself by taking a stand against something. Peoples’ personal beliefs, including the things with which they do not agree, define who they are as people. Standing against something differentiates you from the crowd; when done in the correct manner, without disrespecting others’ opinions, such a stance can help you land your dream job.
To reach the goals to which you aspire, you must compare yourself with people superior to you for motivation. Most people prefer to look at life the way they wish it to be, rather than as it truly is. Move out of your comfort zones and face reality. Don’t seek out or compare yourself with the average people around you, as doing so will only mire you in mediocrity rather than push you forward.
In this article Harrison discusses what a good hiring manager should look for. Many people who make hiring decisions really do not know what they are doing. In fact, they often make mistakes when hiring. They put too much emphasis on skills and experience. But the single most important aspect of hiring is evaluating the person’s unique outlook on the world. If the person does not have a positive outlook on the world, he/she will bring down the morale of the other workers. The person will harm the company through the negative outlook. The key to success is having the power to stick it out in jobs and finding happiness wherever you are. Hiring people who do good work and are always able to find happiness should be the number one objective of hiring managers.
Don’t ever give up, and make the most of the tools at your disposal. Take chances and invest in your best skills, and persist in the face of unfortunate events. Have faith in your considerable work and capabilities, and use them to create value for others.
Things will not always go the way that you want them to go, so you must not be discouraged by adversity in your job hunt. When you persist and consistently put forth your best effort, things are much more likely to go in your favor. Also, you must resist others’ efforts to undermine your efforts and potential; focus instead on doing everything in your power to fight on and complete the task at hand.
Having a goal or vision will propel you towards greater career success and happiness. Without a purpose, you will find yourself depressed and ultimately fail to achieve your goals. Do not subscribe to the unrealistic problem that you should never have problems, but instead regard problems as part of your overall growth strategy.
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Hope is a very broad concept that means a lot to different people. I do not necessarily believe that hope comes from radio frequencies, or secret potions. Hope is something that dwells in the mind of the individual. Without hope there is no motivation. Without motivation, there is no progress. Therefore, without a healthy dosage (no pun intended) of hope, humanity would come to a screeching halt.
“The highest reward for a person’s toil is not what they get for it, but what they become by it.”
– John Ruskin
I believe that hope is controlled by those who believe that things will get better if they believe in it. If you stop believing in hope then you are not dissapointed when the thing you would have been hoping for doesn’t happen. If you don’t hope for something to happen then you are not actually trying to change it. You can only hope that what you try works. If you don’t try you cannot succeed. So in turn if you don’t hope then you give up and you cannot succeed. Remember this though, if you try then you have the chance to fail; don’t let your failure prevent you from trying again.
hope is thought of many different ways. but i think if you hope and pursue your dream and work really hard at it, your dream will be your life
Hoping for something is common. there almost nothing without hope. And there is no individual without hope. Hoping not only a crieterior task but also to keep up for what you hoped is very important.Hard is the only key that can keep up your hope and achieve what you hoped for.Never lose your hope and also never let it down.
“Hope is a waking dream.” This quote was on the silver-tone, star shaped bookmark that I used while studying for the LSAT and preparing applications. I got into a top ten school. I used it while studying for the bar exam. I passed. I haven’t seen it in a while, and I have yet to get an interview…
I’m afraid this “energy balancing” seems pretty bogus to me. Courtney Cox and Wayne Dyer are not very credible sources for science.
Right! Hope is the only thing that can and will help in your life!
I personally think everyone should be hopeful so that you can achieve.
My method of hope involves erasing any negative thoughts or memories and replacing them with positive thoughts or memories.
Holding out hope is only good if you intend to deliver. If you simply hold out hope with a heart to obtain something for yourself (even a job), you are no better than the charletan’s discussed in the article.